Thorim Stormlord needs buff

In battlegrounds this guy’s ability is great to have access to something no one else does… but the matches dont last long enough for him to actually use his power. By the time you finally get your 7T card, everyone else’s power has boosted them into outclassing you completely. Can this guy get a lil love and have the gold cost reduced from 65 to 50? Allowing players to actually get their 7T card out in time to possibly catch up with their opponents and compete? As it stands right now, everyone else has a huge headstart that cannot be overcome while playing this hero.

Or perhaps make the 7T minions a bit more dangerous? Their abilites are fine, but the minions themselves dont really have any teeth to them. Perhaps double or tripple their base stats so that when you actually do eventually get them, they can hold their own somewhat on the board?

If you got issues getting his crazy tier 7 minion out, you building wrong. If you need his minion to play your build, you are building wrong.

He already has a buddy, who even JUST got buffed to be playable faster (lower tier, lower cost), said buddy lets him crush the lobby, getting absurd value early game.

This post has to be satire, if anything they need to rollback the “buff” to his buddy as he becomes too crazy too fast.

His buddy is unreliable as hell, you still need to go 4 or so rounds just to have access to the buddy, and its ability is just as slow as the patient scout’s ability. Sure when its out its better than the lil gnome but not good enough to make up for the difference in power among most other heroes who’s ability themselves are strong enough to give you a good leg up.

Im not asking for a major buff, 50g spent is still a good long while to wait while everyone else is boosting their board from the early game. This hero starts getting strong about turn 10… over half of the others start taking off around turn 4-5 and from there their power grows at an incredible rate. While this hero specifically just starts to take off in strength around 4-5 turns after everyone else is already slapping him around.

Sure, luck has something to do with it, and if you are lucky you might get a good set of minions in the first few turns to help you semi keep up… but if you dont get -any- synergy in the first 3 turns, you have already lost, its just a matter of when, not if.