ThkUFor ThisWildBalance, ButStilFarFrom EvrythingInNedOfNerf

hopefully another 60 cards get the needed slap(cards that has been in need to be slap since darkmoon faire)…as well as some older cards which became problematic due to newest cards…such as Loatheb, Luna Pocket Galaxy, and some other my memory doesn’t come up with atm

my next big ones i hope to see slap are
the 0 mana dredge from priest
dew(druid auto-draw everyturn)
bunch of secret mage cards(especially that 6/6 punish for playing around secrets)
Guff(cap mana to 15)
Brann(dont let him trigger battlecries an additional time from minions that cost 6 or more)
Vargoth: disable him from replaying Legendary spells

thats the next big offenders i’d like to see get slapped if not gonna do all at once

They hardly balanced anything though. They made discard unplayable and in the process buffed control warlock decks. I don’t see that as “balance”.