This -will- be nerfed. (Hollow Hound)

Well no real deck wants to run this guy because the impact for the 5 mana is pretty low. 3 dmg, 3 healing and a 3/2 body that is easy to remove without trading. Wow.

Most decks are all about synergies they can’t afford to spend 5 mana for this effect.

No, its you who doesnt understand. The pocket meta doesnt make Deck A suddenly favourable against Deck B when it was an unfavourable matchup against Deck B in a different meta.

Pocket meta affects the global win rate in that meta.
Its SKILL that turns favourable MU’s into unfavourable MU’s.

The pocket meta only impacts how hostile the meta is to a deck. It cant flip which deck is favoured in a single matchup. Its literally impossible!


This is exactly what I have been saying. Just this right here. Tier is assigned based on that global winrate, which is highly sensitive to playrates of decks more than the small changes in match up win rates.

The drop from tier 1 to 2 in hunter is more about the meta at top 1k than the power of the hunter deck.

At this point I don’t care that you guys are all wrong.

No, it isn’t. Out of those two factors you listed, the winrate shifts is 83% due to power changing from skill increases, but I’ve already said that so let’s move on. What you’re missing is a third factor, which is: tier boundaries are kinda arbitrary.

I mean, look at the top 5 decks of T1KL and their winrates:

  1. Enrage Warrior 53.29%
  2. Outcast DH 52.24%
  3. Hound Hunter 51.35%
  4. Unholy DK 50.77%
  5. Secret Rogue 50.55%

Vicious Syndicate decides to put the Tier 1 boundary between #2 and #3 here, but considering that there’s a total of six decks in their Tier 2 and just two in their Tier 1, it’s not where I personally would draw the line. I’d toss in Hound Hunter with the other decks in the top 3 and call them all Tier 1. Hound Hunter is a Tier 1 deck in Top Legend as far as I’m concerned.

And if you want to disagree with what I just said and say no, VS is right, it’s Tier 2… well, that you could. Because tier boundaries are arbitrary.

The point is, yes, Hound Hunter drops going from D4-1 to T1KL, but we’re talking about dropping from the absolute best deck in the format to the third best deck in the format. It might drop but it’s not plummeting. It goes from literally the best to still pretty darn amazing. It’s the kind of drop only a ridiculous perfectionist would take personally.

And, yes, that’s absolutely nerfable. I have already said in this thread that I was wrong about Hound Hunter deserving low-or-no nerf, because the two-weeks-ago data was before the meta settled enough to see the truth: deck is OP AF.

Like, it is baffling how desperately Neon clings to the idea that skill is immeasurable and inconsequential, but ultimately that’s an argument whose relevance never actually existed, and whose relevance obviously hasn’t existed for ten days now, relative to the actual thread topic. Hound Hunter is a Tier 1 deck at all ranks of play and there’s not really any defending that. Ready the orbital nerf nukes.

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I agree with that for the diamond ranges.

If every skill bracket had the top 1k legend matchup spread, it would be not worth whining over.

In diamond, you realistically only have 1 option to beat it.

If that were the 4 or 5 reasonable options high legend has, it would be more reasonable (but would also just be a tier 1 deck that isn’t super oppressive).

I’d argue just being a tier 1 deck across the board isn’t really an issue. What it does to the game is the larger issue. For how good hunter is, it didn’t condense diamond’s meta of viable decks too much, largely because aside from a few things, it’s matchups aren’t super polarized. They are all good, but it really only shut out frost DK, burn mage, and shadow priest.

The rest of the meta was able to coexist ok.

(I still think the diamond matchup spread is nerf worthy just because it basically has no real bad matchup there, even if it would likely kill the deck in top legend)

(I also still think hound, prior to AaBJ’s imminent release, was the wrong target)

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Well yeah, just looking at drawn winrate by card shows that. The Wildseed package is the strongest part of the deck. This might change soon though.

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I’m thinking they actually might nerf also Power Slider for Warrior, or cap it to the proper amount of Tribes actually in the game. Which, I believe are only 10?

No. They’re not going to nerf Power Slider.

Ah yes, let me magically get a location at will while hunter is spamming hound number 2467.

The card itself isn’t that big of a deal. The fact that they can copy them so many times, rez, etc is the main issue imo.

You are actively deciding to not run the counter in your own deck,thats a YOU issue

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hey thats what i said, stop copying me

you cant play a 2-4 mana card before they play a 6 mana card?

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hey thats what i said, stop copying me


This entire thread is irrelevant because Titans is about to drop, and massively change up the meta.

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Im sorry People thinking HOLLOW HOUND is the problem right now and not the Deathrattle undead and BOOM 2 thaddius out is not LOL

Cry more about hollow hound.

for me, this card is in normal condision. Dont see that it must be nerfed.

Bigger problem is star power. 5 mana deal 15 dmf ro enemy minions feels broken in hunter. Just because unlike the mage they can put a lot of tempo and with star power deny you your own tempo.

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hallowhound with no combo does a 18 damage swing. yes it is overpowered, by a lot. it is sad to see all the deniers

Lol really xD it’s a 6 mana card it’s completely fine fir 6 mana and it git nerfed once already xad

Such hypocrisy!!

Apparently, this method is nonsense when I use it, but works when Scr0tie does.

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Why are you all digging up this 1 year, 4 month old thread…

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