THe win rates are not as important as the specific mix of decks in calculating a weighted average because the win rate changes less than the play rates.
This is basic math.
More than double the play rate of your worst match up has a large influence on that “win rate” number than the change in the match up win rate.
This is false.
Bro, I already did this and you ignored it.
I already did this and showed you why you were wrong and you ignored it.
One more try. Assume that hunter wins 100% against everything that isn’t enrage warrior for ease of math.
The maximum influence of zero wins versus 4% of the game (enrage warrior) is 4% of the total win rate, so 96%.
But lets to the opposite of facts and make the win rate improve for hunter to 25% WINS instead of zero, but now warrior is 10% of the meta like top 1k. Would you look at that! HUNTER WIN RATE GOES DOWN TO 92.5 overall even when their match up into enrage warrior improved by 25%!!!
You’re welcome to recreate the match ups with a change of 5%, but (spoiler) that change is miniscule compared to the change due to play rate increases.
The biggest factor wasn’t the change in the match up, it was the amount of enrage warriors in the meta.