This week's tavern brawl

Why oh why did I not get other players who know how to beat this one? But also why don’t I remember it that well seeing as this is at least the 3rd year in a row I’ve seen it?

Druids are not smart. Heal themselves and leave me to die.


I said before it, like the mechazod one, needs a “HEY NEWBS: KILL THE NPCS, NOT THE OTHER PLAYER!” message.


“Do you know how to play this?”


“ARE YOU 100% SURE?”


A “no answer gets the “HEY” message.

And the minute anyone goes face, they lose, the opponent wins and get five golden packs for the hassle, and the loser get locked out of brawl for the week.


Yes 7 attempts in. My partners keep playing big cards when their hands are full and so I can’t play draw cards because they’d throw away good cards while I have no cards, or they heal themselves and not me so we lose. And my last partner used the next spell casts twice to then combo into 3 damage spell on a party crasher with 2 health instead of the one that had 5 health, then heals himself for 6 because he was amazing at using his cards to their full effect.


Why don’t I get opponents like this in ranked?

Shoutout to my boy NinjaRex11389 for not being a moron and working with me to get this down on my 8th attempt.


One attempt, one win. I was playing Druid. I kept my Rogue healed. :upside_down_face:


I swear, this brawl is just a way blizz found to test your faith on mankind.

Its so fricking simple but u are still matched with some people that must have a peanut instead of a brain.

For god sake, its says clearly at the start “two heroes! Vs…”
So its clear (or it should be) that is a coop tavern brawl, geez.

1- Focus on summoning the pinata and ramping as soon as u can on the first turns.

2- Heal whenever possible and remove the 3/5 with cheap spells before the pinata is summoned.

3- Dont destroy the minions when the pinata is on or they’ll respawn even stronger, not only u are losing precious atk points but also making this whole ordeal harder.

4- Dont panic just cuz u lost sum health, u can live as long as u have HP.

5- Make sum combos with healing.

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The only way I can see making a normally never co op game into a co op mode and be obvious that this is co op, would be to put both team members on the same side of the game’s playing field. Essentially making it outright intuitive that A: you arent supposed to attack the other player, and B: make it that much more obvious what the actual tavern is asking each player to do thats out of the ordinary. Even if I read the blurb before i q’d into it, I wouldnt have a chance at remembering what I read at all as it typically takes at least 15 seconds to a minute to get into the brawl. aint no way I could recall something that far back. might as well ask me to memorize a phone number. lol.