This week's tavern brawl Nov 15th

I’m on attempt like 8 and so seriously what is the class that will win because so far it’s not druid, warrior, pally or priest. That or I’m drawing the worst possible cards in those decks first.

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I have no idea either.

Whoever made these decks is awful at hearthstone.


Like usually when we get an “enjoy the latest decks” brawl. I made it with Paladin for 2nd try.

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I had a ton of fun with the warrior deck last time. These don’t seem to be the same quality.

To be fair I am giving up really easily because I don’t want to waste 10 min. x3 before I get a win when I have other stuff to do tonight.

Edit: First try on DK after trying Druid for like the 4th time and seeing others having a lot of luck with Druid, but when I went up against a DK got my butt handed to me.

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Shaman was an easy win. Board flood + bloodlust.

The Tavern Brawls with premade decks are almost always among my least favorite brawls.

The decks (and balance between the decks) for such brawls are typically badly designed.

i won with the priest one after losing one with the umm paladin one. good luck to yall!

I had an easy win but I think I just got lucky.

Played vs priest as a warlock. Quickdraw the tram card twice, fatigue AoE his lightbugs, he was in single digit health before he knew it.

Premade brawls are mostly fine for me because they’re usually some fun little gimmick like throwing in a bunch of portals. But the “try this expansion deck” ones are definitely miserable to do.

So far I’ve played one game each with 9 classes and I’ve won five times. Try all of them, they’re fun!

I just followed the advice, just play druid and got an easy win.