This week's tavern brawl is too OP

So I’m on my 4th attempt. 3rd attempt my partner and I almost got him, but you know he hits for 12 and so yeah.

GG Blizz, make this harder much?

Edit: 6 attempts now. If I didn’t need 10 bg’s or tavern brawls this week I would’ve said screw it immediately.

Stop torturing yourself for XP. What’s 2250 worth? 75 gold? Plus a pack for the first win? You’re putting way too much effort into trying to get $3.50 in store credit. $1.50 if you already won one.

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Stop being a slave to quests. Just don’t do them unless you would anyway. Stop even reading them.

I just rerolled. I’d rather use my hero power 30 times.


not everything has to be easy every time, a bit of difficulty is welcome from time to time, especially when the decks are premade and you don’t need to craft anything, you can just try again
Not the best feeling if you need 8 tries to get the free pack but that can also happen with pvp brawls
Rerolls exists so you don’t have to commit everything on the brawl if you don’t want to

Won easily the 1st time my “opponent” actually cooperated with me instead of playing solo.

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This is beyond difficult. This is in the realm of supreme S123. The first iteration was already !@#$ing aggravating. They doubled down are are probably surprised people don’t like it.

It’s fairly doable
As long as you both try to actually help each other and the boss doesn’t turbo burst you it’s fine
The most common mistake I see is people throwing all their minions on the boss. You should keep as many minions as possible alive so they can tank the random rockets. if your minion as 4 or less attack, better have it tank 10 damage for you (and never end your turn with 7 minions on board)
The mage player should hard mulligan for the coldlight oracle and the arcane golem. A lot of things rely on the druid in the early turns so you have to make sure they have something to do. Brann is either for the coldlight oracle ro refill both hands, or to heal heroes


Therein lies the problem. Both time I tried, this is exactly what the AI did. No thanks, my dude. It ain’t worth the trouble.

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Accomplished on my first try thanks to some fortuitous RNG and a capable random. Will not be attempting a second time!


I just realized it’s thematic. They just added Battleground Duos. It’s awesome that Mechazod would make a return in Tavern Brawl.


As with all the coop brawls, it requires a partner who a) understands what is going on and b) isn’t actively trying to sabotage the game for you. It can certainly feel like a coin flip at times.


Now that there, that’s a stretch.

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It actually serves as an accurate reflection of people’s inability to coordinate effectively in brawl and duos…

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the first time i tried it this time around the opponent sabotaged me by doing nothing his last turn so we lost. it was lame so i’m not doing these coop bs anymore.

Just reroll the quest. Winning one game took a few games - I effed up 1-2 times not knowing, opponents effed up 2 or so, and 2-3 were just lost helplessly due to rng. Winning ten times is pointless self-torture.

What? I have to co-operate with the other player?? It’s OP!! No, no it’s not, think how they’d play and you play accordingly, like if you know they’re going to drop the spell dmg +2 boomkin next turn, play the secret that summons a copy

Yesh. Hope they never make cooperative matches a thing outside tavern brawl. Just the thought of a 4 player match mortifies me

I will be using this Tavern Brawl to complete the same quest, later today. 6 more wins to go. I actually like this brawl. It’s one of the few brawls, which uses premade decks that I enjoy.


Ya, both classes should mulligan for ramp and draw power. I am not beyond keeping a Lorewalker Cho or a Millhouse Manastorm, since they are so useful. As a Druid, I hope for an opportunity to play Lorewalker Cho, Millhouse Manastorm, and Healing Touch on the same turn.


LOL, I’m not sure that’s smart xD

It takes me much more than 30 games to clear that one

In this meta, if you hero-power once, you lose