This Tavern Brawl is a joke

They’ve added cards that aren’t on the board so 5 minutes is not enough to google search the names. I have really bad memory and this discriminates me.

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I just finished this without even searching. Most of them are fairly straight forward.


It mostly just sounds like you type really slowly.

Doesn’t let me interact and it just crashed my game.

Playing since 2014 or something? I mainly play since like last month or two (I only saw the game for a day in 2014) so I had absolutely no idea.

I think I knew only 1 name (they didn’t even give any weight to the recent expansions) so I totally googled everything in 4 minutes.

It was easier this the second time around with this new account than the first time. lol did they make it easier?

Just associate the name with the picture and the last ones by exclusion, its a kid puzzle :upside_down_face:

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I don’t understand this weeks tavern brawl. I literally have no clue what is happening.

It’s a bunch of nameless cards that I don’t recognize and a bunch of blank cards that have no meaning. No instructions, no clues, just nonsense! What the heck is this?


Cards in your hand have minion names
Minions on the board are nameless
You’re supposed to put the names in your hand on the corresponding minions on board.
Kinda straight forward when you read the tavern brawl page
“Say My Name
Can you name these minions from hearthstone’s history ?”
It’s one of the secret puzzles of the game that they put in the tavern brawl for the 10 years anniversary.

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Absolute trash Tavern Brawl! Who has the memory to remember 4500+ card names and photos to be able to match them in 4 minutes. 14 face cards 19 name cards get one wrong and the entire line up changes both names and faces… Whomever came up with this idea for this Tavern Brawl needs to be fired!

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If it is the only way you can think of for solving such a puzzle in a legit way, you have the wrong approach

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I got it on the first try without having to look anything up, but I’ve been playing since 2015.

So you’re telling me you’re not skilled so a skill based game isn’t fair….?

I finish it in about 30 seconds or less. I jumped on it for my 5 tavern brawl weekly.

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I’ve been playing since 2014 and have never committed a card name to memory. I know what they do, not their names. I will be sitting tavern brawl out this week. Crappy brawl.

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And I’ve only started playing the game in english a few months ago yet I’ve been able to complete thiw brawl while knowing almost not a single minion name in thta language. Pure memory is not your only option. There are a lot of names they are explicit enough that you can deduce what minion it is by what they look like.

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This brawl has a time limit? I thought I was taking my good old time doing process of elimination after getting the obvious ones.

Blizzard doesn’t care about their ip. The cards they have in standard right now are so ridiculously OP. You can make a crap deck, but throw in a titan or reno and you can still win a good percentage of the time.

They changed it than because you could not totally eliminate by exclusion because they had more cards in the selection process than were on the board.

Still 20 cards in hand for 14 minions on board
But elimination process still allows to, well, eliminate a decent number of them that don’t fit anywhere

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