This new mage elemental

So i don’t play broken druid and split my creatures how does this interaction work like if i hit rag does his 8 damage become a passive spell for my hero.?.

a split rag is two 4 mana 4/4’s

each dealing 8 random dmg

So game breaking i do not know what i would do against aggro

This card is total rubbish, it won’t run! It depends on the target card being in the deck and it still has to lock onto the right target, it could happen that it picks up any other elemental, so this legendary was not created to be used in an elemental mage deck!!
I see it won’t run and it will become a meme!! The problem is that the mage will compete with one legendary card at the same time!! Whoever created this card should be fired, is there a recall for cards created in an idiotic way?? Is there any way for users to complain and for Blizzard to remake this legendary card??

All the opponent has to do is fill his field with minions and this stupid trick will be in vain! If the opponent puts two minions on the field, they can put an end to this weak trick.