This miniset made the game unplayable

I cant say I was the biggest fan of the previous meta but at least I did find a lot of enjoyment playing.

This miniset made the game giga unplayable, I play for 1-2 hours and its nothing but frustration, I want to close the game immidiately.

It just blows my mind you are keep releasing cards without testing them. The same story every time. Unless there are changes in the design team, I can’t see this being ever resolved.


Wait… I’m confused…


Brann Bronzebread. a warrior can OTK you very hard easily.


Giga/10 reply

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Aaaaand also ge trekt because of our good friend, RNG.

Source: Me

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Bran war has the lowest win rate. It barely wins anything. it is easy to counter and easy to beat. Paladin and rogues are the main problem right now with paladin have wind furry with garden grace and rogues able to hit you with 3/6 am that generates cards 3-4 times. Hell even aggro demon hunter is killing it. Warrior is doing terrible right now.


people from wooden rank that cant read the stats
oh wait maybe its your personal winrate xD
its the strongest class currently that can atleast be beaten by druid or paladin
no idea what rogue would do to a warrior but please learnhow to read statistics
If i am the only player on DH with good games and othes are 10000 warriors how do u think winrate would look like

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So what you’re really saying is that it’s unplayable to you even though you do play, you’re just having a hard time adapting to the new meta.

But like Giga unplayable would be like zero playtime, not 1-2 hour play time cuz that’s still seem pretty playable to me.

My suggestion to you would be to stop blaming the miniset and focus on what is in your control and adapt your decks to the meta. You’ll probably end up playing giga longer, like 2-4 hrs if you do, and with a lot less frustration.

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Yes, play because he is fighting to get his usual rank… but not enjoying it… thats is his point I think… Play statistics means nothing… just because many ppl play the game doesn’t mean they are enjoying it… and that is the biggest problem…

Brann Warrior isn’t very good right now because pretty much all the meta decks are crushing it. But when you’re playing something that isn’t meta (i.e. doesn’t kill the opponent within 6-8 turns or doesn’t generate a million armor per turn), Brann Warrior will make you miserable.

It’s the kind of meta where you either make other people miserable or you are miserable yourself.

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100% true, you have decks much more powerful than war brann (druid, paladin, dh combo, zoo warlock, plague dk).