This is beyond predatory

So the only problem here is that a Hearthstone reward required you to play a different mode? I find that hard to believe.

It seems far more likely the problem is that the rewards you want are locked behind content you don’t personally want to do. I can’t even imagine how many people would complain if the rewards required people to win 15 standard games with Priest. And yet there are people who would prefer this what they did. You can’t please everyone.

Mercenaries certainly has it’s problems and is not mode I enjoy. It is part of Hearthstone though, so the company occasionally reminding everyone that it exists is fine with me. Yea it can be expensive to be super competitive, especially for a new player who doesn’t want to invest a ton of time, but so can Hearthstone. Let me just edit…

Many people complain Hearthstone is pay to win and I personally think it has a very poor new player experience.

At the end of the day though, this quest requires no money or commitment to Mercenaries. I really don’t see a problem.


Yes, this is my problem.

If there were 10 quests and all of them required you to play mercenaries in order to get mercenaries stuff, I wouldn’t care.

Since I care about HS, especially about packs as a f2p, putting then after the merc quest is what bothers me the most (also bg shouldn’t be there in a perfect world).

If to remind us of its existance they need to give normal HS rewards, then the mode is probably very bad.

If they really wanted people to play mercenaries, they wouldn’t have

  1. nerfed the pve farming
  2. not solved excess coins problem

This is true.
Playing HS as a f2p is a very very limited experience.
I wouldn’t make such a huge deal for only 1 pack (the one from the quest) of getting resource would be easier and doable.

20+ legendary cards per expansion and at the release of it I get 6 from packs when I am lucky.

The problem is that these events are rare and they should give us a help to get resources.

Not only the rewards this time are garbage, but they also require wasting time in other modes.

It seems they made this event to make people play mercenaries, rather than to help us getting more gold/packs for the next expansion… that’s my problem and I fear it can only get worse in the future if we don’t give our feedback.

Look at the histoty of “fire festival” rewards of you don’t believe me or remember

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well the other quests of the line also can be stuff that ppl dislikes as well

“play specific class”
“play bg”
“play duel”(not part of this event this time though)
“play Arena”(not part of this event this time though)
“play 10 fire spell when none of your decks list have them”

at least 3 merc bounties is rather fast done…though certainly longer for ppl who haven’t invest mass time in that boring mode…on another note…i just finished my remaining merc tasks(97 of 97 complete) as of this morning…minus yogg which would be 98(not doing his tasks unless there are 3 other mercs along

hope they be done releasing new mercs in that scrap mod…i dont want anything to do with it as soon as possible(been getting progress in case those diamond portrait become usable for ranked)…otherwise its just an entirely unfun mode…can’t help taking that chance that it become a thing as a shiny lover :S(if not it wasted so much hours of my time getting all these tools of torture tasks done)


cant remember when was this a thing i think it happened only once

You really need to take a step away from the game, go outside, give your mind some time to think, and then come back to consider why your position is a major overreaction. This move is NOT even remotely close to being predatory. Lots of people never try new things either because they are scared or just lazy. These holiday events give people a REASON to broaden their horizons and try new modes of HS that they might never have tried before.

So, mercenaries isn’t your super-FAVORITE mode of play? Ok. Get over it. This is a holiday event. It’s not at all mandatory. You don’t have to spent ANY money on mercenaries to do the quest. You can just complete the tutoria FOR FREE, and then do the first bounty mission three times in a row. You don’t have to do three DIFFERENT bounties. It’s trivial to complete this quest.

Maybe I should make a complaint thread because I don’t like playing warrior in standard mode, but “OH NOES! I have to play warrior THREE TIMES (the HORROR!) to complete the quest!”

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I truly despise Arena, last legendary event had an arena and duel requirements, I’m pretty sure arena req have been on legendary quests req before though I can’t ascertain the fact as legendaries events were cut through this expansion cycle. I only do an arena run in order to get replace by a new one when it is rotated and get a card pack in between.

If you do not like the quests just do not do the quests. They are quite EASY and you have WEEKS to get them done.

Mercs are easy enough just fight the level 1 three times.

What a crybaby!

there is a difference between “something you may dislike but that is part of the game you are playing” (like play X class 3 times), and “something that you may dislike that has nothing to do with the game you are playing” (playing mercenaries when you only care about hs rewards).

Arena/duels are still very hs related, so even if we (also me) dislike them, I wouldn’t complain about those because they are still “hearthstone”

sure, it’s fast, but it’s tedious.
We have 4 weeks to do these quests, so time isn’t an issue.
I would prefer “play 10 standard games” rather than “start the tutorial of mercenaries”, for example; and probably this is valid for everyone who hasn’t bothered to try mercenaries until now

Thank you but I don’t need it

You probably need to consider your own suggestion if this is what you understood from what I said :joy:

Another person who didn’t understand what I wrote :frowning:

What if there was a quest that said “go to twitter and like 10 bobby kotick’s posts”?
It seems super fast and super easy to do, but it’s also a scammy way to give rewards

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I am writing this so my point can be clearer.

I wrote this thread because I don’t like the direction quests are taking.
I didn’t want to stay silent: this is a forum where people always whine about the most normal things (oh my yogg shouldn’t counter a questline) or about made up arguments (I lost because my opponent topdecked because he is a blizzard employer in disguise).

With that said, I wrote my considerations, but I see the majority disagrees with me. Not only that, but you are also quite happy to have fast requirements (play 3 bounties) rather than longer ones (play 3 games as warrior), even if you don’t like mercenaries.

I didn’t expect this much backlash (beside boreas, I mean, when was the last time they didn’t fully support any action made by blizzard :joy:), but I don’t need to change your mind (it wasn’t my intention).

In the future, if things get worse and “event quests” will look like advertisements and product placements, or when you will be required to do something you don’t want to do in a mode you don’t play to get something for the mode you play, I won’t be the one who will be surprised.

Enjoy the event!


You are much too angry about this fun event. I suggest, again, that you take some time to reevaluate your outlook on life in general.

how can you call it an event :joy: :+1:
Is this the first time you play the fire festival event in HS? Let me tell you in the past it was waaaay better

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Burning Man is an event. There’s no way I would ever do it, and I even hate the entire idea of being there. The fact that I don’t like it doesn’t prevent it from being an event.

You seriously need to stop freaking out about everything in the world that displeases you. It is not healthy to get so worked up over a simple holiday in a F2P game.

I don’t know where you got this idea; maybe you read my thread with the wrong tone

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I would categorically disagree with this. The streamer I follow the most is Regis, and he regularly enjoys playing the game. He’s not afraid to say when he isn’t, and certainly calls them out when he thinks what theyre doing is wrong (for example, he refuses to touch Mercenaries since the launch and broken coin system frustrated him so much), but he genuinely enjoys playing. Granted, he’s gravitated towards Duels as his main game mode, but a quick look at most of his YouTube videos show his unbridled joy in the video intro. It’s why i love watching him, because it’s fun seeing him have so much fun.

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predatory… meh
boring… yah

if you don’t like the mode then just move on


Yea it’s really annoying. I just quit the quest. Not worth wasting an hour of my time for a grind im not enjoying.

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an hour to complete a quest that takes around 20 min ? completed the quest on a region i never played mercenaries with

no idea how anyone would take an hour to complete unless its on purpose

Let me rephrase this from that older post. “Your playing Activision Blizzard. Activision company. Their focus isn’t making the game better. They focus on money and then trash it with dumb nerfs that doesn’t make sense.”

Now remember what I said. “Their focus isn’t making the game better”.

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game design that requires you to do something boring or tedious before you can have fun is not ‘free’

our free time is one of our most precious resources, and it has significant value

keep drinking that koolaid


the guy who said takes an hour was lying