This game is sad

Why is the game so sad and why do I have to lose everything why can’t I enjoy playing. And why does my opponent always have an answer to my table and I never do.
Someone explain this to me rationally.

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Simple, couse this game is not rational at all :roll_eyes:

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Simple: you judge your self worth based on your winrate. That’s why you’re sad. Well, that and other traumas from the past you haven’t healed from.

I used to pay attention to winrate. Deck crafting and piloting your moves with skill used to matter - none of that matters anymore. It’s all about perfect draws & RNG, so winrate is stupid and absolutely meaningless.

Ignore that.

Ignore that too.

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Don’t let it get to you. Just try to have fun with it. Yeah, your most likely to lose by turn six if you don’t folllow the latest meta. Then again you might bump into players that waste your time by killing the clock. Hey either or, if you want to have a better experience. Just follow the current hotest kill you quick decks. Cause everyone else is just gonna tell you to stop crying. Bye now and remeber: Just try to have fun with it…

You have to win sometimes to keep playing. Otherwise the game makes you sad and you plain quit.

However some players try deckbuilding with mitigated results. For many reasons, card pool, access to legendaries or plain deckbuilding skill…

Tell you what, pick a few classes to try, play the core deck a couple of times. Once you picked a class you like, try making one of recommended deck. Get a couple of cards for what you’re missing and replace the expensive ones. Get those later if the deck works out.

Just, try to have fun.