This game is rigged as hell

No, it’s not. Probably more like: ‘I’ve been tossing this coin, a supposedly symmetric one, getting tails about 70 times out of 100… every day for 5 years. Something’s going on here…’

Critics: ‘There is no evidence that the coin is counterfeit! This is probably a coincidence, it must be random, you have psychological biases and your mother was a murloc.’

Critics: Can we see this coin?



Ignore those who say this doesn’t happen and demand proof. I know it does, as it has happened to me as well. However, it does not happen all the time, but when it does, it’s annoying.

What I have found that can help is changing up what is in the deck you are running. I have found that if you’re running a deck that is Meta and is net decked, you will be more prone to be pitted against decks that challenge that deck.

I would also encourage you to rethink how the game is rigged. Yes, you will be more likely to face decks that challenge certain decks, but don’t fall into the trap that it’s rigged to make you lose. You simply have to rethink your approach and how you respond. I know this from my own experience.

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Not necessarily. Depends on the parameter of what is considered Tails. Like this meta if DK is tails you are going to flip to that more than 50% of the time because DK is being played far more than the other 10 classes. It would be more odd that you don’t get matched into DK more than the other classes over a large sample size.


Do you remember the Salem Witch Trials?

They claimed they saw Witchcraft. Enough to condemn women to death.

Do you believe they actually had evidence of Witchcraft?

It wasn’t just Salem. People killed people on Witchcraft accusations all over Europe for hundreds of years.

In a world where people could do this, do you not understand where Izizero is coming from?

Why should we trust your claims more than the judges, jurors, professional inquisitors, etc. who prosecuted the witches?

You could be right. Blizzard could be rigging the game. But right now you would be right coincidentally, rather than because of a body of supporting evidence that is in any way better than that evidence for all those death sentences for Witchcraft.


I think one of the more telling parts of all this is that even within the group of people that asserts the game is rigged there is no agreement on what and how things are rigged.

I’ve repeatedly asked for even one of them to make a testable hypothesis and they can’t come up with one.

Fact: If the game is so obviously rigged it would be simple to make a test to find it.


If you do, then I want to know your secret for longevity.
And here I thought I was old for gaming…


I didn’t ask if they remembered BEING at the Salem Witch Trials.

I remember Bill Clinton being president while I was alive, but I also wasn’t at the White House and personally saw him presiding.


False. There are millions of games of data on HSReplay and Vicious Syndicate that show that each any given deck archetype X is matched deck Y about as often as any other archetype is matched against Y.

For example, VS Data Reaper keeps track of how many games it bases a matchup winrate on. Let’s check those numbers for Pure Paladin vs Tony Druid for a few decks in d4-1.

Blood DK: 7354 vs 4671.
Frost DK: 3147 vs 2146.
Relic DH: 1576 vs 965.
There’s a little bit of variability but it’s always about a 1.5:1 ratio. No matter what archetype you’re looking at. This proves that no deck faces its “counter decks” significantly more than any other deck does.

We have hard proof beyond any reasonable doubt that matchmaking is 90%+ not rigged. The fact that you refuse to accept this evidence speaks to the strength of your bias.


That doesn’t matter.

Because you are not addressing their actual hypothesis…

Because there’s no hypothesis presented to test.


Well in a show of good sportsmanship I gave them one then thoroughly destroyed it. It seemed a bit nicer than just posting “Hitchens’s razor, gg no re”

Btw I didn’t lie in my previous post but I did leave one critical question unanswered. The answer to that question is “you have to subtract the subset.” I’m not saying what the question is because you’d have to actually look at the raw evidence yourself to know to ask it.

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I remember Bill Clinton as my Governor of Arkansas.:slight_smile:

The game should TOTALLY scrap MMR and simply go for FULL random first come/first play no matter what the decks are, the odds or the player rank. It would be fair and balance out over time.

I agree that I find it VERY VERY weird that I can face 5 Shudderwock shamans in a row or oddities like that.

I can’t help but feel something is just wrong somehow… But I can’t prove it.


I agree that whatever else the system is, it is bad.

Oh, this so makes me wish that that Wishmaster movie was real. I mean, I’d enjoy the results of your proposal, but I’m a sadist who drinks tears. Like Cartman at the end of that Tenorman episode.


Something is. But stop looking outward, you’re not going to find it there.


That’s uncalled for.


It’s called for in the case of literally everyone ever.

You should find a better hobby than trying to be antagonizing.

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Shoot me dead and call me Sally but how is it that Mallenroh is the only real voice of reason in this thread?

Is this the upside down?