This game is rigged as hell

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: soooo trueeeeee

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Mate, even if Blizzard opened the whole code, and there was no rigging bits, would you believe Blizzard showed us the actual whole code? That’s the point.

Nobody has to believe Blizzard. We can look at how many times DK is facing against whatever other deck out there and conclude they aren’t deviating from the norm. No one cares what Blizzard says. WE KNOW matchmaking isn’t prioritizing matching certain decks against other decks.

“Oh but some people have concerns”. That’s the problem of some people. Some people will always have concerns over something because they don’t know and don’t wanna know what they’re talking about. Case in point, if people REALLY wanted to know if matchmaking is fishy, the first thing they would do is track their games.

Which, BTW, are logged in HSreplay. You can go there and see every match, if you don’t believe their numbers. You can keep track of your games as they change, if you don’t believe your own data. And so on and so forth.


It’s such an embarrassment. All those videos you see on Youtube or Late night talk shows where they interview random Americans to point to continents/countries…people think that is cherry picked to death to make them look bad. It’s really not. It’s an actual representation of how dumb our country is when it comes to the rest of the world.


We have precedent in the form of a certain infamous patent. You casually passed over the part where they’d agree that there are no rigging bits, but it’d fail there before it could proceed to the next step. They’d point endlessly to sections of code and baselessly claim that they do things that they don’t, reflecting their fever dream fears.


REquires objective and reasonable person to admit there is reasonable evidence that a crime has been committed. The rigged people fail one or more of the assumptions for probable cause.

We won’t go in to how often police abuse this standard and are considered reasonable, intelligent, and unbiased when in fact they are the opposite because that’s a different discussion.

Ya, no, this is false. I won’t educate you on it because all you do is argue minutiae to distract from how wrong your takes so often are. USA “defense” spending is the biggest corporate rich person welfare pork barrel in history.

I would believe it. I don’t bend facts to suit my narrative like the people who believe that everything is currently being shown to us.

On a similar note. How many games would you personally need to believe a pattern exists?

Ok guys stop the political bs. Gonna report everyone who engages in it if it continues. This is not a political forum.

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:see_no_evil: :see_no_evil: :see_no_evil:

embarassingly cute (sometimes) :joy:

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Also there is a difference between not found guilty and everyone knows you are guilty. OJ Simpson come to my mind.

I always look at your portrait and wonder when you’re going to pop out of your Hex…

What do you look like pre- hex?

OR were you born a frog?

Serious question

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Which would be unbelievably dense. If you would concern yourself of Blizzard’s honesty to the point of needing to see the actual code, you couldn’t believe they gave you the code in all honesty. That would be like saying “I am concerned John is lying about his taxes” and then John walks out of his house with some paper he himself wrote saying “Taxes” and you going, yeah, that seems legit

Were you awake when you wrote that phrase? You do understand nobody is bending things around right? We are looking at reality as it is. Literally looking at numbers, and you are siding with people that are bringing anecdotes to the table.

Bring me a 1000 of them, specify what the pattern is and show me it repeating consistently.

No, there really isn’t.

They didn’t prove he was guilty so he was acquitted.

You know what that does NOT mean? That he is innocent. No one proves they are innocent in USA courts, they prove NOT guilty.

I am a frog God thus I was never born, I just have always been. Now gimme some flies before I curse you.

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Do you accept deviation?

Australian christmases are HOT?
NO wayyyyyy wtfff

Deviation from what? Be more specific.

Ok now I have to share a funny story. I used to do bar trivia as a side gig for fun for Geeks Who Drink. One of the final questions we had was to name the capital of the country of the flag we displayed a graphic of.

Only one team got it right. Answers given were like:
Salt Lake City

It was an embarrassment. My friend who used to live in Singapore was the one that got it right.

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salt lake city>???!!


I toss a coin 1 million times.

Somewhere in the middle it lands on heads 1000 times in a row.

The odds haven’t changed and the probability is low. It’s just a deviation from what is expected.

I play 1000 games as DK and only face Mage DH and Paladin, it’s weird, but not impossible, and it goes to my speculation but not against the odds. It’s a deviation from what is probable but its not impossible and it TECHNICALLY proves nothing.

Just like TECHNICALLY nothing changed to make the coin land on heads 1000 times in a row.

Like I said, those Youtube videos making fun of Americans on naming capitals/countries is 100% spot on. We got capitals from the United States lol. Geography questions/flag questions/capital questions from anywhere in the world would reveal the true idiocy all the time. They were always my favorite.

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