This game is rigged as hell



Are you on drugs Schy?

? Schy? My bro I am Hazama.

Put the pipe down Schy.

My sorry before wasnā€™t because you did anything right, it was because I jumped the gun.

I swear blizzard keeps these forums up for us weirdos. Not HS.

This place is a zoo :joy::joy::joy:

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I donā€™t know what exactly the punishment should be for having multiple accounts. I also donā€™t know exactly what the punishment should be for publicly accusing other users of having multiple accounts. What I do know is that those punishments should be equal.

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I have experience being a narcissist. That experience is: for years, I heard descriptions of narcissism and things narcissists do, and never did any of those things make me think ā€œoh shoot Iā€™m a narcissist.ā€ What I did instead was use the information as ammunition to accuse the people around me of narcissism.

Thereā€™s been a rise in popularity in descriptions of narcissism and the behaviors of narcissists, such as YouTube videos dedicated to the subject, and I consider this popularity to be a problem. We live in a selfish culture where itā€™s normal to be something like half-narcissist, so the result of sharing this information is mostly that those who receive the information use it to blame or accuse others, rather than to look into themselves.

For example, not too long ago I read a comment on a YouTube video describing narcissistic behavior, wherein the commenter said that all 3 of their exes were narcissists. It seems to me that either this person is holding the term to such a low standard that most people are narcissists, or theyā€™re the one with a problem.

Iā€™ve made memes implying that calling your debate opponent a narcissist is cringe, but apparently thatā€™s a bit too subtle. So letā€™s make this clear: my rule on accusing other people of narcissism is that if you do it, you are the narcissist. Stop doing it.

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I can imagine it would be hell being your editor :rofl:

But yes to last sentence :point_up:t4:


Arent they completely independent of Blizzard?

Iā€™m like, 90% sure Hazama and Schylla are diferent people because they play at totally diferent brackets.

Youā€™re rabbit-holing hard mate


What are even talking about mate? Lol. Fail.

You calling Hazama ā€œSchyā€?
20 characters

You can take that with a grain of salt. Making a click bait video on YouTube has an ulterior motive.

One of his example doesnā€™t even make much sense. The Res Priest vs Highlander Priest. He probably already has the cards to make Highlander Priest being a professional player. So why is the engine that supposedly already knows he has the cards make that match? He is the marquee player not the junior player that the patent refers to. So it makes no sense that he is getting rigged by the patent. Its pure click bait.

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Because they have KPI about game time, no doubt they will rig your game.

No. I am not.

Words, words

I really hope whoever made this game so obviously rigged these days gets what they deserveā€¦

You play combo you get countered by 4 aggro decks in a row. You switch to control and right the first game you get countered by a combo decks. How is that not obviously rigged? Itā€™s always like that for it to be just a coincidance which btw. do not exist not in this rigged game anywayā€¦

Tbh, I donā€™t know why I am still playing this rigged gameā€¦ When the game is making you lose on purpose the victories also mean nothing reallyā€¦ Iā€™ve quit the game for over a year and Iā€™m now wondering why the hell did I return here? Nothingā€™s changedā€¦


I think this is part of the bias towards the conversation.

People think Rigged is a dirty word, like if a Casino rigged a slot machine to never pay out and take your money.

My interpretation of rigged in the context of some of the people who are suspicious of rigging is the following:

The system isnā€™t transparent. The MMR or however opponents are matched isnā€™t clear. We are told by ā€œother peopleā€ that the opponent we are put up against is a fair match and an opponent close to our skill. And that may be true. But there is no mention of deck composition or class types in regards to "all I see is ā€œthis classā€ until I switch decks. Or, all I see is aggro until I switch decks.

I donā€™t think Blizzard having more control over who you face makes the game ā€œriggedā€.

I personally donā€™t believe Blizzard is ā€œriggingā€ the game for profit, whether that profit comes in the form of money or what have you.

If we stop focusing on the word ā€œriggedā€ we might be able to actually find out how opponents are actually chosen.

And I donā€™t believe itā€™s simply the MMR

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We have no evidence for the contrary. HSreplay logs the amount each class face of each opponent. Itā€™s very acessible math, not a sign of any tampering with it.

Paladins arenā€™t facing more Frost DK, or less frost DK, or anything of the sort.

The only thing we have is anecdotes of clearly tilted players about facing their ā€œcountersā€ (nevermind what they are calling their counters, iā€™ve seem more than once people claiming a deck they are favored against is a counter), who coincidentally never trackk their claims.


If only a minority using a decktracker/hsreplay how is this data relevant at ?

And i still think that data is manipulated since is in Association with ActiBlizz.

Both of these points are why you need to prove the game is rigged and not the other way around.

When someone offered you evidence, you rejected it out of hand due to suspicion and preconceived notions about the motivations of the parties. You can do this to poke holes in all the evidence that it isnā€™t rigged against you very quickly and easily and forever. This is specifically why one person showing a repeatable pattern that demonstrates this alleged conspiracy will blow the whole blizzard facade apartā€¦ but not the other way around.