This game is rigged as hell

Thatā€™s true, but it doesnā€™t mean it isnā€™t random. The algorithm calculates with variables and this variables are random numbers.

How do you know? Can you prove it? Where is the proof? :grin:

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Can you prove it that it is not random?

Can you prove that itā€™s random and not rigged?

You cant prove a negative.
Its the affirmative that needs to be proven.

Thats the scientific method. Also used legally.

I dont need to prove im not guilty.
You need to prove i am!

And thatā€™s why all the Blizzard defenders claiming that the game is actually fair, and supposed random is actually random should prove that.
Game not being fair, and claimed randomness not being random canā€™t be proven, since those are negatives.

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Pure casino in a flashing video game, it fix itself after you spend some money, suddenly it becomes move favored to your side. Other then money spending itā€™s a 50/50 stupied fiesta with streaks of win/lose.
They even did none droppable levels to make people less frustrated and to stop sudden account deletion in a rage burst.
Also itā€™s addicted if you played long enough.


Of course, video games are generally designed to be as addictive as possible.
They want your money and your time, thatā€™s all.
And there are still people how seriously think, they donā€™t manipulate the gameā€¦ and babble about proof and scientific methodā€¦ Itā€™s hilarious. :rofl:


This could qualify as a double contender for two prises at once: one for the most ridiculous notion and another for the prime example of hillbilly grammar on this forum.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

You sure about that?

You buy something, and it doesnā€™t even work:

Do you think buying the adventure with real money, as opposed to gold, circumvents the issue? :thinking:

PS I had a feeling that the aforementioned tripe, nominated for ā€˜the most ridiculous notionā€™, was not even original and reminded me of something, and here you are, in this very topic, for example:


See also:

I wonder if thereā€™s a case of a ā€˜masqureadeā€™ or a ā€˜split personalityā€™, if you know what I mean, or someā€¦ paraintellectual types are so extraordinary that they parrot every stupidity they come across. :rofl:

Imagine what it must be like to be so plainly stupid that one would mock and deride the truth of this sentence.

I feel bad for that personā€™s parents that their efforts at reproduction failed so miserably.

:rofl: Imagine some of the posters having any capability for reflection and thus realising the irony in theā€¦ dubious product of their loquaciousness.

Iā€™m not even talking about something like Gƶdelā€™s theorems ā€” thatā€™s probably too complicated for a redneck to grasp. For starters, Iā€™d suggest a much simpler exercise: can those who believe they ā€˜canā€™t prove a negativeā€™ prove it, i.e. that they ā€˜canā€™t prove a negativeā€™? :grinning:

But I suppose Iā€™ll not go much further into this, since I find harbouring any illusions about the prospect of educating this particularā€¦ audience not prudent. Another ā€˜thought experimentā€™, if you will: imagine encountering an ordinary pile of dung lying on a road. You can provide solid arguments to it, display brilliant logic and masterful rhetoric skills, but your particularā€¦ ā€˜opponentā€™ in this discussion would just lie there, generally stink and not budge. I find this metaphorical pile a much more reasonable and socially acceptable ā€˜personā€™ then manyā€¦ orators with their particular ā€˜opinionsā€™ here, by the way. What? At least itā€™s not aggressive in its ignorance. :grinning:

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Yes. And those who buy battle pass have better draws from my experience.

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Hmmā€¦ How do you know whether they have bought battle passes?

Then this streamer was a garbage player. Unless that person was talking about having to grind top legend on all 3 servers. A free player can upkeep a competitive collection on 1 server without spending a dime.

Youā€™re whatā€™s wrong with this game lol

Sir white knight continuing the crusade (see just above)? What took you so long? :grinning:

PS No, Iā€™m not even gonna bother trying to answer that one seriously, in case someone was wondering. Some examples are beyond that.

The people who donā€™t believe this game is rigged are blindā€¦they probably netdeck most of the time anyway so they are too lazy to even make their own deck so they canā€™t be bothered by anything else. I had 3 games in a row go to mecha thun as the very last card in deckā€¦next game didnā€™t happenā€¦the game after thatā€¦it happened again. Anyone, want to tell me the odds on 4 out of 5 games having the same card be the last card?

What class are you playing?

:sob:Take a nap. I laughed harder than i should at this one.

There was a mobile tracker but it got removed. Now mobile has nothing where pc has 1846729 addons for ingame. They donā€™t even have to count lethal, they can see top deck etc etc. If you get one let me know.