This game is NO fun anymore

Just came back and every game is against some random legendary player that has a legend card back and plays druid and get perfect draws it seems every turn. I on the other hand never get a decent card to play and when I do they seem to counter in with one mana then deal 32 to my face on turn 5. I am sure its really fun for experienced players. But the matchmaking system in this game sux and I won’t be playing again after today. Maybe have a matchmaking system where you get paired against an equal MMR once and a while. I can now see why every channel is talking about Hearthstone dying fast and I had to see it myself now I know why.


Are you making a joke? That’s how it works now (for the last ~3 months at least (it pairs ONLY by MMR)). If you’ve never been Legend then enjoy that you have the same skill as those players or they play badly and dropped MMR.

You didn’t have to out yourself as inexperienced. But, sorry to see you go / good luck on future endeavors / etc.

MMR is a joke and to think MMR tells a persons skill level is absurd especially in a game that is MOSTLY RNG based.

How many games (especially against Mage or Painlock) do you lose because of their RNG compared to yours?

This game has VERY VERY little skill left in it thanks to horrid card design and an RNG system that wants you to stay at 50%.

I can’t tell you how many games I have lost simply due to the deck I played against because it was my COUNTER deck.


MMR isn’t a joke on general terms. MMR, and ELO, are two of the closest to perfect ranking systems we’ve ever had, EVER, in terms of gaming. I defy you to come up with on-par or better.

I’m still at roughly 70% win rate vs mage, though that’s because I play Druid. And I assure you, that was an entirely conscious choice on my part. If winning is your goal, you should play the odds and roll with classes and decks that stand favorably against the du jour meta.

50% win rate is literal balance, which is what ELO and MMR strive for. ELO is literally zero sum while MMR at least tries to make it “close to fair.”

Regarding skill, it seems like you are making an intentional choice to be bad:

Stop playing decks that suck, and you won’t suck as much.

That’s a common error a lot of forrum posters do because they don’t get the basics of the mathematics behind the situation.

The RNG is a common variable between opponents in 1 match but their skill is absolutely not a common variable.

Therefore given enough games the sum of RNGs is ~0 while the sum of the skills is not.

What sort of basic mathematics are you suggesting here? l don’t think we can draw a conclusion on wether or not rng will “balance out” in a single season ladder climb without knowing both the opponent’s and our own mmr.

I suppose if you play a trash deck with low rng, you’ll eventually get matched with other trash decks so variance of your mmr will be low as you continue to play.

But in some of these games with “competive decks” you’re losing/winning on turn 5 because of perfect draws or in the mid/late game due to some ridiculous rng mechanic. It’s not always the case, but these types of outcomes don’t seem rare enough to suggest that skill could actually be measured within a reasonable number of games.

Hell, it feels like shenanigans is happening in like 75% of the games. I would think that MMR would imply that you have a reasonable chance to defeat your opponent with perfect play from both sides. But we all know that this not true because we experience crushing victories/defeats. Even if we had the opponent’s deck list, we can only sort of predict which cards will actually show up in the game because of all the card generation.

I guess there’s “skill” in running a deck that’s favoured to win against the field. But is that actually skill or just more coin flips in your favor? Seems more like playing games when your deck is favoured = getting to next safe rank.

Sidenote: not all decks with low RNG are bad decks; e.g. some fast aggro decks are very low RNG and they may have good winrate; sometimes even bad draws didn’t matter much (e.g. Treant Druid a few patches ago).

On the actual topic: you seem to misunderstand something basic about statistics; even if there is variance of results in each game: given enough games that smoothens out; it’s why statisticians want a lot of samples.

In this case the RNG is equal between two opponents for the same 1 match; but their skill is never equal (especially if someone has unrefined MMR because they don’t play 24/7); therefore skill eventually shows.

You act like everyone has the money or time to build specific decks every couple of weeks just to compete. Grow up.

Even the forum game is no fun anymore. All the fun and interesting people got banned. Pretty sad.