This game is broken

Mana cheat after Mana cheat after mana cheat. When in doubt and unable to balance, add more mana cheats.

EDIT: Why are bots liking topics as soon as they are posted? Pandabot liked my post. what?


I’m at a point where if i don’t see a rogue/DH play 3-5 cards with 1 mana left, I shed tears of joy


Try being a brand new player and having to play against T1 and T2 decks when you have just the most basic of decks to play…

Blizzard hates new players.

Not really, that’s why you’re provided a free Frost DK deck.

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lol you tried to farm new players and got out of the bots faster than you thought right ?

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no, you’re wrong, this game works very well, it’s a sensational system of falsehoods, where there is nothing random, where the more players spend, the more they have a better rng, unfortunately there are no laws that prohibit such a thing, whoever plays hearthstone actually accepts these things and joins the herd deluding itself that it is a highly random system, but do you think with millions of dollars at stake I let my game go random where 90% of the effects are “random”? Obviously not…

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Yeah, they nerfed twig for the same reason DH is strong now. Infinite value and regen with no cost. 74% win rate with this deck according to tracking.

Phen is that you? Mana cheat has been in the game for uhh… a while.

It’s will never go away.