This game is broken…

I’ve been playing this game the last 2-3 years. Each patch I pay for the tavern pass/multiple cards and about $20 every two weeks just to keep up. THIS GAME IS BROKEN. We just started a new monthly rotation and each game I play is either OP warrior or OP warlock. I just played a game where a rogue played 3 yoga-seron 6 rotations in. It’s not fair. Balance the game dude. You should not be able to get a titans or multiple 11/11 5-6 rotations in. Bad programming, bad QA testing.


What about the op druids? You completely left them out.

I also wonder when the next patch will be ready. Yogg has to be dealt with.

And by the way, I used to pay a lot when I was a bad player. So you are probably ignoring the root cause of your losses.

That was little! I’ve already faced a warlock that summoned 2 15/15 minions on the seventh turn!

And people will keep putting into the game. Yes, you need players playing the game to justify proper updates and balancing, but they aren’t doing it. lol

They put out the bare minimum effort of a balanced experience and let the players do the rest. However, the power creep is so damn strong these days, even that isn’t enough to sift through it all.

I’ve hung up my Standard hat since FoL with the hope they ACTUALLY make this game a game I want to play again, but I’m not holding my breath or anything. Even BGs are in such a horrible state from power creep and the dumbest thing since Quests, Anomalies, I may be done with that, too.

Yeah, I agree, and I am proud of you for figuring it out.

If you feel that they are OP then play them. If you can’t beat them, join them. The idea of hearthstone is to make everything broken so they won’t have to nerf anything.

There will always be a deck from each class that will be broken to someone. Mines is rogue.