This game has a serious pop up problem

I dont know about anyone else but every once in a while I think about dipping back into this game after having not played in years. The past 3 times I have reinstalled when I login to the game theres like 20 pop ups. Then you get the stupid season animation showing the previous one ended and the new one has begun and then what cards are now wild and no longer available etc… Its like you are being assaulted with info every time you try to come back.

Literally each time I have come back its just an overwhelming barrage of crap I dont care about just to maybe check out the game and once I am through with all that stuff… I just uninstall.

this is hearthastone forums not yu gi oh duel linkz( a game with many many daily pop ups )

lol you’re triggered that you get news pop ups because you haven’t played in months.

You’d probably also complain how you haven’t played in months and you got no pop up telling you a new season started and how your favorite cards are now nerfed and how blizzard doesn’t care about returning players.