This game cheats SO BAD!

now there is online evidence of the presence of a complex artificial intelligence capable of manipulating the game in all its parts to normalize the paid modes and to push you to spend, by now 90% of the players say it, the drama lies in the fact that the people keep spending, i only play with gold because in my opinion the extremely cheat-like nature of hearthstone does not give confidence in investing real money

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It is astonishing to me how many people have this same misunderstanding. MMR matching based on skill has the effect of placing people in a rank where they’re expected to win about 50% of their games. That’s all that happens. The game does not decide who wins or loses ahead of time. I know the people who believe otherwise aren’t listening, but it makes me sad for some reason when people believe this stuff and keep saying it over and over because they feel like it’s true


Its equally sad that so many blindly believe blizzard do no wrong and that their patent for fixing match making hasnt been posted dozens of times

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He just one of those who sees a red car but says no it was a blue airplane. Worst part is we have so many of these people all in 1 place :duck: gang and I’m out

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That’s one hell of a statement, can you provide clear evidence to back that up? You said your self that, “placing people in a rank where they’re expected to win about 50% of their games.” Why is it 50%, I can litterly go online right now, make myself a deck that I prefer and play badly and win…how is that not “decide who wins ahead of time” it litterly puts me against someone who has no chance…

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Ok this has been a long time coming, anyone who doesn’t know where “forced 50% winrate” comes from should read this. An mmr system (such as elo or glicko) assigns a rating to a player based on their evaluated skill level (starting from a certain default and adjusting based on wins and losses against others, taking into account their rating). If you are rated higher than your true rating (“overrated”) you should expect to win fewer than 50% of your games. If you are rated lower than your true rating (“underrated”) you should expect to win more than 50% of your games. Since expected mmr change is positive with >50% wr against players of your own rating, negative with <50% against them, and 0 with 50% wr, this has the property of convergence; in the long run, your mmr will get closer to your true rating. In effect, this forces your wr to eventually converge to 50% (assuming you stay at a constant skill level and there aren’t other factors that keep changing).

This is not to say that hearthstone is not rigged, as activision blizzard does indeed have a patent in an algorithm for rigging matchmaking in any multiplayer genre of video game without restriction, for the purpose of encouraging microtransactions. But yeah, people read too much into it and try to draw correlations that don’t exist. If your wr is forced to go to 50% that’s not because of any rigging (even if that rigging does exist), that’s just how mmr is intended to work. You could apply it in any game. You could face chess players better than chatGPT but worse than magnus carlsen and adjust until you find players you have 50% winrate against.

I am drunk, and I am not in the mood to debate logic or probabilities with you. I’m only looking to protect the uninitiated, not change the minds of the too-far-gone


As I thought, if you can’t provide evidence, you shouldn’t speak

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Quite the contrary, you are one of those who sees 3 red cars and one blue car and concludes that 75% of all cars are red.

Here’s how it works according to Blizzard:

At the end of each month, players are assigned a star multiplier based on their finishing rank. That multiplier can be adjusted up in some cases where a player finishes with a low rank but maintains a very high MMR. That star multiplier allows players to advance through the lower ranks more quickly, moving them up to a rank at which they meet comparable competition to their skill level. The star multiplier decays by 1 at each rank floor (B5, S10, S5, G10, etc) until the player eventually earns only 1 star per win. (Note that the 3 game win streak double-bonus is completely independent of the multiplier feature.)

While you still have a star multiplier, you will be matched against other players based on your MMR. This endeavors to match people with similar skill levels. Once your star multiplier has decayed all the way down to 1, you are matched by your Rank. And when you are in Legend, you are again matched by MMR. Casual mode players are matched by MMR.

The matchmaking system does not look at your deck composition or your win/loss streak or if you are a paying player or if you put on clean underwear this morning. It looks at your MMR and your Rank. That’s all.

If anyone has a statistically relevant body of data of sufficient sample size that might suggest otherwise, they are welcome to post it.

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In a universe where the patent didn’t exist, that would be true. But diablow immoral payportal showed us the final form of what’s been going on in all the actiblizz games for years.


I know, right? It’s like they’re in denial about how the algorithm works.

If the game is rigged how is it possible for any player to reach legend while not paying for the game ?
First time I reached legend was in standard and about 1 year after I started playing the game. One month I motivated myself and played 2 decks up to legend when bonus starts didn’t exist and I got it whithout spending a penny in the game.
So where was it rigged against me ? Because I didn’t see the game forcing me to lose at that time. I had to fight for it, it was not an easy run, but because people were trying to achieve the same in front of me which is… to be expected ?

When they introduced the achievement system I motivated myslef to hit legend a second time, in wild, by using the same old deck than the first time and this time it was a cakewalk.
Now what I see in wild is mostly what statistics tend to, mostly HSReplay, so nothing fishy that I’m aware of
Even In wild I play off-meta and homebrew decks with which I easily climb to diamond by just doing my daily quests.
(Big Dragon Rogue, Elwyn priest, questline warlock, rivendare otk warlock, RIP Even HIghlander Mecha’Thun warlock)
I just don’t play enough on a single mode to hit legend, just as before the achievement system came in.

Heck even in twist where every one complains about autolosing to jade druid (that I never saw), Jade Rogue and discardlock. I came in with no bonus stars, picked a secret paladin list dating from TGT, made a few ajustments, and reached plat 4 by just doing my daily and event quests.

So honestly, if there is something I should see through my experience of the game, where is it ?

I’m going to say the OP is a mainly a Priest who doesn’t play a Meta deck and Blizzards algorithm is punishing him for two reasons;

  1. The original designers were not in agreement with Christian values and live under the belief that this religion of less than 20% of Americans is THE representation of the United States

  2. He’s an FTP player.