This event is the worst in Hearthstone History

The Release the Raptor event is the worst designed event in Hearthstone History, and after multiple events of players complaining how bad they are, this is only proof the developers do not care what you think.

The quest chains are back and worse than ever. This is just stupidity at its finest. It can’t be, Play 15 games of Standard Hearthstone, or 15 games of whatever mode you prefer to play, and then 15 more, and then 15 more. That’d be too easy. That doesn’t force player interaction with the game. That doesn’t force players to play game modes they may not want to play. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. If you have to force player interaction in your game, you don’t have a good game model. This quest chain is by far the worst I’ve seen since the events came out. Play 250 specific expansion cards, in ranked standard. Great way to just knock the quest chain straight into the dump off the rip. Then casting or summoning 500 times, again in Ranked Standard. Because the first quest wasn’t enough of a grind, lets make the second one an even worse grind. Then to add insult to injury, after you’ve played a good 50 ranked standard games or more just to complete those two, YUP! You guessed it! You have to play another 30 games for the 3rd quest in the chain.

Whatever yo-yo at Blizzard that is coming up with these, needs to be fired immediately. What a way to kill motivation for the new expansion, than to make the grindiest quest chain players have ever seen. And is it for anything good? Signature Legendaries? Diamond Cards? No! for 2 sets of normal cards, 1 set of golden basic cards, and 1 set of golden epic cards, 2 card packs, tavern passes (yeah because the vast majority of your playerbase is using those) and a hero skin.

What happened to the Hearthstone team that said, “We want the game to feel fun, no matter what you are doing.”? Did they fall off the planet? Get fired? Or just blatantly lie to the audience to get them to spend money?

Blizzard needs to refocus on game design, game balance, matchmaking balance, and less about how many recolored ragnaros hero skins they can sell in the shop.


You know the quests aren’t mandatory right? Unless you decided not to start until late, you can just do the daily

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Unfortunately, as has been expressed to Blizzard repeatedly, not everyone has time to be able to log in every day and do the daily. Sometimes people can log in once or twice a week for a few hours, sometimes they can log in more, but gatekeeping events behind these ridiculous quest chains is obsurd.

We’ve had events that were much more player friendly in the past. Things like, play 100 cards (any cards, any type of card, in any game mode), and then slowly scale up from there. But none of them were as restrictive as these are.

And your comment really isn’t a defense for their ridiculous methods of forced player interaction with the game. When your only options are, “well, you don’t have to.” you are correct. I also don’t have to keep playing. I also don’t have to keep supporting them financially with pre-orders and in-game shop transactions. If Blizzard wants to put that line in the sand of, “well, this is how it is. Do it or don’t.” They are going to rapidly wear their player base away.


I can’t even bother doing these events


Agreed. If I can get one or 2 of those rewards, great. If not, not a big deal.


I hope next time they at least let us do it in Wild (and Twist if that’s around)

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only the first one is hard the other 2 were easy

completed long before the week ended