This anomaly crap has no place in standard

Blizz needs to stop with the bs and let some ppl that make these call go. The anomaly carp in standard is bs lost 3 game do to it . Stop doing what you think we want and do what we tell ya we want. Its not that hard to LISTEN TO US.

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but we want to have fun

and the anomalies are fun and when the event ends unless chogall becomes a stapple because of its stats i doubt youll see them often

There are people who play Standard competitively in hopes of reaching the highest rank, and sometimes those anomalies can completely screw you over if you aren’t playing a deck that synergizes well with them. Even after the first week, there’s a 25% chance an anomaly will pop up in your game, with or without Cho’gall, meaning people who want to enjoy the normal Hearthstone experience can’t because their games now have a chance of being determined by a slot machine. Nobody would be complaining if they kept this to Twist or a Tavern Brawl, because those modes were designed to test out new mechanics, but to force everyone to beta test this new “feature” is absurd. This decision reeks of desperation as a way to curb Hearthstone’s profit loss as more and more people go completely F2P or quit outright.


did you try chogall? during the event if chogall triggers youll get 2 anomalies

chogall triggered only in 3 games so far …
i dont think you have to worry about that 25% chance having a massive impact on your rank

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The effect is symmetrical, learn to adapt.

The ability to adapt to a novel situation is a skill you should develop and cherish, in hearthstone and in real life.

The effect is random. If your opponent is playing Spell Hunter and you’re playing DK, and the anomaly is “the first spell you cast each turn costs (1) less”, who do you think has the advantage? The point I’m trying to make is the anomalies have no place in the Standard format. Tell me, do you think pro players enjoy these anomalies? Serious question.


Are you a pro player?

Do pro players also complain that their deck is not shuffled in the optimal order too? Because, that’s a far bigger RNG. If you’re having bad draws, you’re going to lose the game, anomalies or not.

And who has the advantage the other 19 times?

If you really want to talk how annomalies affect deckbuilding then here it is.

They make the life of one trick pony decks harder.
As it should.

As everything new there are tweaks that could be made but IN GENERAL it’s kinda sad for they to be an event.

I would like to life with 50% chance for games to have an annomaly for a lifetime.

Just so archtypes who do with extreme deckbuilding restriction, excessive dependence on a single card and many other get disincentiviced.

Standard players whine so much.

Right, because everyone is made out of money and can construct multiple meta decks during a single season.

No, but they know how their decks work, so adding a random mechanic that varies game by game completely throws a wrench into their game plan. Imagine getting the anomaly “both players Discover a new basic Hero Power on their first turn” as a Totem Shaman. How do you suppose you “adapt” when that happens?

If you don’t know, that’s probably why you complain.
It’s just a fun little week for the launch of the miniset, go get some sun outside if you don’t like it, the meta will revert to its stale self soon enough.

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Welcome to the part that needs to be tweak.

I believe it should be consensus that this specific annomaly is really not Cool to have.
One thing is to push small changes to gameplay to destabilize the meta in general.

Other is to make decks utterly unplayable. With that said it’s around 2/3 annomalies in that second category.

Except they will persist even after the first week, albeit at a lower rate, meaning if you don’t like them, you’re out of luck, because there’s no option to opt out.

Way to dodge the question.

This is why the anomalies should’ve been a tavern brawl, so Blizzard could gather user feedback before fully implementing them. Instead, we get to beta-test them because the cheapskates at Blizzard can’t afford to hire Q&A testers.


Anomalies are so bad they got team 5 losers deleting tweets defending the implementation lol


ooh, source? I’d like to read those!

I dare you to explain what is fun about them. I’ll wait.


Do devs understand that with anomalies nobody wants to buy new packs any more?
You need new cards to improve your deck, develop new strategies and so on.
Which has become pointless now. Strategies have no longer a crucial impact on the outcome of a game.
No strategies means no need for new cards. Less sales, less cash. It’s as simple as that.

A perfect shot in the own knee.

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This is how it is. That’s 1 of 20 anomalies so the odds of that happening are already low while if you are playing totem shaman the anomaly that upgrades your hero power will likely be more useful to you than your opponent.

Depending on how you build your deck you can manipulate how impactful every anomaly will be. You can take a risk and gain an almost guaranteed win or lose with certain anomalies. Can also build in a way that most anomaly will have a minor impact on your deck.

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Or, you know, they could not add a BG mechanic to a format that doesn’t need it. This entire “event” is Blizzard jumping the shark and trying to get people excited for Hearthstone again because the game is bleeding money as more and more people are becoming aware of Team 5’s ineptitude and are either leaving or going entirely F2P.


Been playing since the beginning and at the moment I will being playing way more often this week than I ever did in these past few months now.

The cards in this game are already power crept to an insane level in which we are forever stuck with but people are complaining about anomalies this much for a week long event…

I’m certain it isn’t really the anomalies people are truly frustrated with. If the small effects of the anomalies are breaking the game this much for you then there is already something off with how the game is balanced overall and no one wants to admit it.

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