Since at least last expansion I can no longer win in ranked wild. This past week I am 5 wins and like 20 losses.
There are too many OP cards that have been added over the years.
Oh you don’t think so? Take any deck you have now and go back in time to when the game originally came out and see how fast you could get to legendary even if you suck as a player. You would win every game on your way to legendary.
I’ve been for at least a few years wondering why I keep playing this game, just like it took me a couple of years to decide against wasting any more time on WoW.
I don’t know what decks to play because it doesn’t seem like it matters. They are all garbage.
3 matches today:
I go seek quest priest. Can’t draw a 4 or 5 for 4 turns and my druid opponent went 20 mana and a crap ton of taunts. I could have won, but I couldn’t complete my quest and he was slowly gaining the upper hand so I said F it and quit.
I go C’Thun shammy battlecry quest. My lock opponent has built his entire deck around be annoying AF. Destroys some of my cards from his deck and my deck and then just my deck and even though I had C’Thun in my hand he played Theotar and took it from me. Like who even plays that card and how when I have 8 cards in hand does it give him that as an option to screw me royally? So I quit that match too.
Last opponent was priest who I was beating with asteroids battlecry quest Shammy until he got off Lor’Themar twice and while he was at 2 health he then drops the draenei with taunt, lifesteal and divine shield 16/32. I had triggered Son of Hodir to have 12 giants in my deck and had 2 out there, but yeah. How do you counter that? Then he drops another HUGE minion, and I’m sure he had like 10 more so I just quit.
I mean the hell are you supposed to do anymore?