They're going to nerf Brann & Saddle Up

Dad, who let you make an account and try to tell jokes?

No, the problem with Brann Warrior is that it’s keeping many decks from even trying to be relevant because it’s extremely oppressive to other slower decks. It’s the literal definition of a meta warping deck.

The meta revolves around Brann Warrior. If you create a deck right now and don’t ask yourself “Can this beat Brann Warrior?” then your deck is pretty much dead on arrival.

No Highlander Shaman, for example.
You don’t get to play squat.

Diamond - Legend Top Decks
Token Spell Hunter
Zarimi Priest
Breakfast Hunter
Sludge Warlock
Pain Warlock

You know what all those decks have in common?
They’re the only things that beat Warrior. And that’s why they are on top. If your deck beats Brann Warrior, it’s a top of the meta deck automatically because of how popular and meta warping it is.

And Blizzard knows this. That’s why it’s going to get nerfed. There’s really no argument to be had here. It’s one of the most oppressive meta warping decks we’ve had since Masquerade Rogue warped the meta.

If someone asks “What does a meta warping deck look like in the meta?” This would be the picture perfect example.

So, no, people aren’t lazy and don’t want to play the counter decks. They are playing the counter decks, and those counter decks are all top of the meta by default for being counter decks. The Brann Warriors are strangling the meta from breathing properly.


Yeah, and the anomalies we have in the form of Dig Rogue which sees way too much play for its’ winrate, can be explained because it farms warlocks, so basically it farms most of the decks which counter Warrior xD

That’s an explanation for why it sees so much play when it doesn’t counter warrior as well as confirmation how much the meta is warped by warriors


Although I mostly agree, the most recent Vicious Syndicate report shows that the playerbase is slowly, gradually unlazying themselves. There is a significant, albeit slow, movement towards playing the counter decks, and I think that if the were no balance changes Reno Warrior would have eventually dropped to Tier 3 in another week or two, and that in a month it’d be half as popular as it is currently.

That’s still much slower than it should be, but it’s not nothing.

Look, any deck with over 20% popularity is going to be “meta warping.” It could be Tier 1, it could be Tier 3, it could even be meme tier, it doesn’t matter, if it’s almost a quarter of your matchups then that’s going to favor decks that are strong against it and be a major issue for decks that are weak to it, even if their matchup spread is extremely strong otherwise. Popularity is a measurement of how much a deck influences the meta, and that really has nothing to do with how the deck plays, its mechanics or anything else like that.

Excavate Rogue is a solid, Tier 2 deck in T1KL. This is despite a rather miserable 42-58 matchup against Reno Warrior. So if you want to say that a deck can’t be Tier 1 without being strong against the most popular deck, I don’t know if that’s literally true but… whatever, close enough. But when it comes to Tier 2, it’s a complete fallacy to act as if a deck can’t be viable just because it loses to Reno Warrior, when good decks fit exactly that description. The matchup against the rest of the meta is more important than the matchup against the most popular deck.

In conclusion, as weird as it feels to say this, rayray is absolutely correct here. The “extreme oppression” is in fact extremely exaggerated. It’s not making something out of nothing, but it absolutely is making a mountain out of a molehill. And the only reason that Reno Warrior is so popular is not because of, but in spite of its matchup spread, which has been largely underexploited by the overall community — although thankfully there is evidence that trend is slowly reversing.

Saddle Up going to 4 is an insane nerf to the card. It basically kills it. There’s no way you have a board to play it on turn 4. If you do the opponent was going to lose anyway.


The only reason brann warrior is even competitive is boomboss. Take out being able to delete 20% of your opponents deck / hand (which is more like 50% by the time its played) and it has 3 power turns in the excavate reward, zillax, then the resurrect mech guy and the only turn thats mabye not survivable is the resurrect turn.

If they really want to hurt the deck delete boomboss.

I strongly disagree. Boomboss is good in the mirror and against other slow decks, but in the vast majority of matchups Boomboss does absolutely nothing.

Consider Aggro Paladin, a deck where its only “draw” are Boogie Down, Silverwing and Miracle Salesman. If they’ve drawn one of each then on turn 8 they’ve got 14 cards left in their deck. A Boomboss here, even if doubled with Brann, is not doing much. There’s about a 50% chance in the next TWO enemy turns that you’ll get ONE TNT off.

On the other hand, there are a lot of decks that draw a lot of cards, and Boomboss is terrifying when you have 7 or less cards remaining… and you don’t even done drawing yet. Any deck that’s relying on digging for a specific card it needs to win is going to have a bad time against Boomboss… kinda like how those decks have a problem with Dirty Rat, providing one or more of those cards is a minion. That’s all Boomboss is, one big Dirty Rat that can hit non-minion cards, and like Dirty Rat he’s only situationally good.

Zilliax and Dr Boom, on the other hand, are good against pretty much everyone.

Most warriors have more power turns than that. A lot of them run fickle or bounce effects which can add several more.

Though theyre extremely powerful turns they can still be countered with the right cards… if all the right cards weren’t deleted from your hand, deck, and battlefield…

So yeah boomboss is the biggest issue imo. And it’s a lot more than 20/50% deletion. By the time it is played it will delete 12-18 cards that’s almost 100% of all your remaining cards usually - and once bombs start going off they very often chain into each other since the cards you would have drawn get poofed and it selffeeds a chain reaction.

Most of my games I lose in a single turn because the bombs chain and I suddenly have no board and barely any hand/deck left. It’s frustrating to navigate a long fought game and regardless of how good of a spot you are in or how many answers you have it’s all irrelevant to iwinbombs. It feels better to lose to agro in 4 turns than the bs bombs after 20 turns because you at least wasted a loss less time.

I hipe people quot playing brann warrior after this, this one card has pretty deleted my play style, decks i like to play cant be auccessful while this single card is in game combined with boombiss at the moment.

I might jave to play control priest after miniset if this card ia still being played

But is this confirmed? Nerf coming?
They literally buffed Brann in the last patch by removing the counters to it.

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I see literally no change here other than Brann also getting “If you didn’t cripple your deck building at the start of the game this card is literally useless” Which changes literally nothing other than Paparazzi can’t save you if he happens to discover one of the many now wheelchair bound legendaries when you’re down to singles. What? Mana cost? That’s a hilly-arious joke, kinda like 1 extra mana cost and a full refund offer stopping Odyn mains?

Its a severe but fair nerf if it’s true, now it is going to be suicide to play it, as it had to be,
Those who keep repeating that mana increases do not change anything only demonstrate their ignorance, just look at Odin, it was not seen again in wild…

Wild? We’re complaining about Boomboss DBrann Odyn warriors in standard! The line for complaining about Bob-omb Reno wariors in wild is here: Boomboss Brann Reno needs nerfs!

Bladestorm might also get the buff reverted, possibly. Ashes version is listed at 2 mana, Core version at 3.
Epic ¡ Spell ¡ Ashes of Outland ¡ Deal 1 damage to all minions. Repeat until one dies.
Epic ¡ Spell ¡ Core ¡ Deal 1 damage to all minions. Repeat until one dies.

Quick favor to ask, can you check Reno? Anything bad happening to that dude?

8 mana is a very significant nerf to Brann because it conflicts with the turn 8 bomb boss play. Also it stops the 4x dirty rat being a major disrupt tool. Other than that, it does nothing. So it’s going to significantly nerf Reno warrior.

However, I don’t understand why they would care to nerf warrior, it’s like the 4th or 5th best deck. Sure it’s a reasonably good deck, but already hunter and Paladin are way stronger than it. If anything Paladin needs a nerf.

Also why are they hitting saddle up, that’s not the swing card in hunter, it’s just a value card to make minions more sticky. The swing card that wins games based on luck and tempo is the RC bots card. That one needs adjustment.


Odin at 9 mana is still very good. In fact Odyn at 9 mana was one of the best decks in standard after that. The major nerf to odyn warrior was the change to Reno that requires highlander deck. This is because odyn is reliant on Reno in many matchups for various reasons, the main one being to have a turn where playing odyn doesn’t kill you.

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The second being that 2 Mana was enough to OTK from frozen after Reno thawed you out.

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Sure…but somebody has to be the fattest deck on the value pile, and it often has been warrior.

Spending turn 8 to do nothing instead of turn 6 to do nothing is also a much larger cost, not just in the mana but in the potential threats from opposing board states later in the game.

Sure, but it shouldn’t be there because it has an 8 drop that decides the game nearly every time.

The late game of hearthstone is just way less interesting when singular cards are the determining factor of who wins in nearly every match.

Cards shouldn’t be ANYWHERE near that strong.