Boomboss Brann Reno needs nerfs!

Tell me how its fair that this combo deletes 17 cards in one turn, from HAND, DECK AND BATTLEFIELD!!! MAKE IT ONE RANDOMLY, MY ENTIRE WINCON WAS DELETED IN ONE TURN



Dunno how you got to 17

1+7 =8
adding the digits doesnt restult in a multiple of 3 so something is wrong with your math

Disregarding the individuals shifting goalposts, it’s evident that such design is offensive.
Nobody requested a second, better Patchwerk.

Trully it deletes all the hope you have with a single trick.

the trick is playing cards in an order. which is first bran and than boomboss

You forgot the “draw their entire deck” part. So the trick has three steps not two.

If you guys weren’t complaining about Boomboss you’d be complaining about Wheel of Death, the game has numerous ways to punish players who want the game to go on forever. Against the meta generally, Boomboss is a weak card that doesn’t need nerfing.

What do you mean they already draw more than half of the deck before they play boomboss with the warrior your chances of getting destroyed takes less time than 5 turns.

Wheel itself is not really a big problem the problem is the synergy of it with other cards warlock has.

You know those cards they should decrease the synergy between those.

  • Mage has Sif
  • Shaman has over the top nukes and fizzle to find even more over the top nukes
  • Rogue has zilliax
  • Priest has Zarimi
  • Warrior has Odyn, Brann, and Bomboss
  • Warlock has Wheel
  • Death Knight has Helya
  • Demon Hunter has shopper and six or more magtheridon’s per game

– Druid has ???. Yes dragon druid exists but unlike everything else it’s just a pile of stats that loses to removal.

– Hunter has a very aggressive opening with a lot of burn, but like druid it also loses to mass removal, armor, taunts and healing

– Paladin doesn’t exist

Of the 11 classes 8 have an instant kill switch (warrior has several), two have solid decks that are viable and do strong things with their mana but have exploitable weaknesses, and one got deleted for the rest of the expansion.

That’s the meta.

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If Paladin and Druid swap places I agree

Ah, but then people would complain about aggro being dumb and boring.

On paper hero power druid can have over 20 damage burst. In theory there’s also spell druid. But the rest of the class struggles to get the druid to the point where they can lethal someone with the burst.

They shouldn’t have removed windfury. Just nerf other (more) pally stuff. Like you said almost every class has win from hand. Windfury+buffed charge is just paladins’ way.

Why do you care how long people want an individual game of hearthstone to last?

Weird its almost like reading developer comments on the same topic.

“People who want the game to go on forever”

Nah, people want to stop humiliating losses that feel embarrassing.

Enter the control player.

But how does that “get more games logged on ladder” and thus “make engagement numbers go up” it doesnt…

Enter the faux outrage over the supposed, inferior? lame? not sure how you justify it really (cuz yer lying) hate of “games that go on forever”

What do you care?

There were MILLIONS OF GAMES PLAYED this last few days/weeks/months

GASP… you know what I bet a lot of them were GASP longer than 10 rounds…

NO ONE cares how long other peoples games are except DUN DUN DUN

Those with a vested interest in the length of games…

And as you said many times Wheel is fine…

Hence another flaw in your supposed MO has been detected.

Serious tho, why do you care what people play be it aggro combo wheeldummy or control?

I just don’t want my games to last 20+ minutes on average, like last expansion

If I wanted to play 30 min games, I would stick to LoL, not this

Sometimes opposing forces are stymied by a tit for tat attrition of their forces…

If people want fast games should they not play a fast deck?

They absolutely should, if the meta allows it

Last expansion, it didn’t. You had to choose to adapt or stay in meme ranks

Treant druid is decently fast and was a decent deck into legend ranks was it not?

Yes, it was a good part of the season

But it got nerfed pretty fast, at least for my taste

I just returned to the game back then so I couldn’t abuse it for much

But I suspect most people didn’t enjoy that time, or it wouldn’t get nerfed that fast and that hard

Was treant druid cheap and easy to craft?

Did it trash decks from the new sets?


Yeah, just like most of the current top-legend meta xDD

They run 1, max 2 leggos, full aggro and full broken


It’s a card that has a very limited number of target decks. If you happen to be on of those targets than the card is doing its job.

I’m this → ← close to crafting Tony to try to counter Boomboss. I hate that mechanic.