They need add a way to counter "rest of game" effects

There needs to be a neutral card that negates / cancels any and all “rest of game” effects that have been played.


I’m sorry that you lost your last game.

There are always more cards being released; maybe some day, you’ll get your wish.


No there doesn’t. For example, there isn’t currently.

The word you’re looking for is “should.” Please start writing like someone who speaks English.


This is a great idea.

We also need mechanics to counter drawing cards, spending mana, and playing cards.

Needs are not optional.

Is this like … “A well regulated militia being necessary …”?

I would add a card to destroy a quest - for 5 mana with body 1/1. :slight_smile:


This is a great idea. I really like it, and it makes sense and would follow warcraft lore because buffs and debuffs can be removed in the game with spells or potions.
It actually would make sense to have a card that does that when you consider the game is based on World of Warcraft.