They create a card that can steal your hand over and over

What were they thinking.
Roges now have a card they shadowstep a million times to keep stealing your hand. How do you even defend against this?
There is nothing you can do. They created another “I win card.”
Might as well for feat every roge match now.

Thats what pirates do, they wanna rob you :smile::smile: or which card are you talking about?

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I am talking about the legendary that steals your cards in your hand

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Do you mean Theotar?

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Probably Hooktusk. They recently buffed it before it rotates out of standard.

It is a very fun card been playing it for a while now.

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Play a better, faster deck and don’t let them the opportunity to play a 7 mana minion that does nothing on board
If you let your opponent play their big win condition without threatening them, yeah you’re gonna lose, no matter the card they played


It can do stuff on board hooktusk can 1. Steal two cards from the opponents hand or 2. Take control of the opponents highest attack minion or 3. Take five cards from the opponents deck. So it can impact the board especially with the 1 mana return to hand spell. Sorry i forgot the spell’s name.


“nothing on the board”

did you read hootusk before posting ?


OP is complaining about the card stealing cards in their hand
If their opponent chose the option to steal cards in hand that means they played a 7/7 that does nothing on the board :slight_smile:

Did you read the title before posting ?

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I think you agree there is no defense against it when every roge has hundreds of shadow steps somehow. They never run out of shadow steps.

Who are you kidding rogue still cannot deal with wide boards especially large minions and that card is very slow. Even with the recent buff it still does not keep up with the speed of the game.
yes, it can deal with the board by taking the largest minion, and deal with a second minion by being returned it is still a slow and hard, but fun card to play.

in this case a good offence is a good defense.

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Sounds more like they created a card to make you want to buy more cards.

I do not agree that there’s no defense against a 7/7 that does nothing on board
If you’re in a situation where you lose because you do not threaten your opponent enough, and they can waste 17 mana over 2 to 3 turns just to steal 6 cards in your hand, that 7 mana minion is not the problem