These bots are never ending

It’s great that you guys banned over half a millon bot accounts, but botting is still an issue in ranked.


Well… Blizz ain’t gonna ban their own bots. All of those, masking as real people, are still alive and kicking (all the way up the ladder, too).

Its almost like the vast majority of players have left the game…


If only there were some way we could separate the real players and the bots…feel like someone must have come up with something by now, a simple and elegant solution just waiting to be implemented…I wouldn’t know anything about that though, surely I haven’t already posted the solution to the problem.

They’ve all left because this game is nothing more than a rigged lottery.

Every. Single. Game.

It is 10 years old…they made the most money off the most people in the first few years. Any money whales/gullibles give them now is merely gravy.

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We need to require players to have a payment method on file or something.

I honestly think the only way they are going to be able to prevent bots will be adding something like a “Click this box if you’re a human” that you see on various sites. Like the verification you get when you accidentally type in your password incorrectly in the battlenet app makes you have to turn the icons in the right direction.

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