There're so few Reborn minions in Standard for that daily

And no: using spells and sideeffects to reborn them doesn’t give credit. I’m not complaining; it stills gives like 5 a game at least if you use a DK; it’s just very surprising to me they are so few (and almost exclusively on DK).

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Just play multiple games. Easy to do.


i just reroll that daily even though I’m a wild player reborn ain’t good enough to build a deck to play with

You can use Eternal Layover on a wide board. Yes you will have to build a deck just for this. I don’t think Eternal Layover is used in any good deck.
For quests or achievements like this I always go to good old Mad Summoner. Mad Summoner + Eternal Layover = 14 done in one go.

This quest is to PLAY reborn minions, your combo won’t work

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Yeah as I said, if it’s a spell or effect that reborns them it doesn’t work.

Standard already has a lot of tools for that(DK?) and I tried them.

Yes, that’s the technically precise reason. PLAY means exclusively FROM HAND (the concept is similar for Battlecry (it requires “from hand” by default)).

Your life would be better if you never read a Hearthstone quest again. None of this is even close to worth it. Stop already.

Was it not Play or Destroy Reborn minions? I did it last week, can’t remember that far back :slight_smile: . Sorry if I’m wrong
I think I got my quests/achievements mixed up.


That’s not a bad point, I think the new reborn and destroy spell of DK did not work.

I guess a further unwritten rule is “if we say “minions” we mean ORIGINALLY reborn ones”.

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