There is no winning

Been back playing for the past three months. First month got Legend playing totem Shaman, 2nd month Big Pali and third month zoo hunter. I do find the game hard but adapt to the new meta and start winning games. However since this new season I find everything is broken. Its not a singular card that has broken the game its everything. Match making is NOT random. Ques in Diamond during the day are always against bots made by blizzard until evening and literally get counter played no matter what class or cards i play and i have all of the meta cards. What did you guys do to this game!? You made it a game were 1-3 mana cards win and a 1 mana aoe card can wipe out 20 mana worth of troops. What am I missing? Current Meta is garbage with low neutral cards being stronger then these fancy titans and Legendary that you don’t get to use cause your dead by turn 5. Whats wrong with the team? Oh and the best part is half way through the month they will let me win streak 12 games in a row so i can feel amazing and get to Legendary where I will get trapped and lose more.


I think you should try posting things like this here

Hearthstone: Another Developer Fired Every Day! (

Because they would get a better response.