There is no way to beat this "I WIN" combo

What card do I need in my deck to beat this I win combo?

Palidin horsey deck.

They play you can use hero power twice and your hero power triggers twice.
Use horsey hero power.
Instant loss.
These cards only cost like 1 or two.
So How do I beat this?

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What is “horsey hero power”?

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Why should you?..

When you use your hero power it creates a horsey.
When you have all 4 horsey the other play loses 100% automatically.
Since the first low cost card makes it so your hero power can be used twice and the other one makes it so it trigger twice, you get all the horseys in one hero power, making the opponent lose.
There is no fun here and no game play involved, it is just an I WIN combo.

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Are you talking about this card?

Legendary · Minion · March of the Lich King · Deathrattle: Shuffle the other 3 Horsemen into your deck.

No I am talking about the horsey hero power and weapon.

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Legendary · Hero · Knights of the Frozen Throne · Battlecry: Equip a 5/3 Lifesteal weapon.

Smorc his face and kill him until turn 10, I wish this card was in Standard to destroy all the Reno enjoyers.
You don’t see this card often but you do see Reno every 4 out of 5 games.

The Uther Hero Heropower summon one of four 2/2 horseman.

If you Control all 4 at the Same time, tthe enemy Hero dies (Exodia).

With the Double HP Trigger Minion, and the Minion who allows to repeat the Heropower, you can do it easily in the Same Turn.

But ist a very slow Deck (for wild).
Nearly unplayable.

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They have a very powerful kick and a somewhat unexpectedly strong bite


this card is wild so;
Theotar, the Mad Duke(can take their uther or a combo piece)
Mutanus, the Devourer
Dirty Rat (if both copies of either sinalong or Commander are dealt with they can’t OTK)

Can use the hero power swap and change trick(grizzled wizard plus finley) after they become uther deleting the horseman hero power

I was having fun with this deck a while back and had a highlander priest lazul my uther and just combo me faster because he played both raza(refresh and 0 mana Hero power)

Can kill them out before they combo( sometimes harder if they hit the noz on turn 4(3with coin) as they just turbo through and can get OTK by/before turn 6

You might as well say mograine kills because it does 3 damage at the end of each turn, but it takes too long to kill in a wild format where most games don’t even get to turn 7.

I think the tilt is made worse by each horseman saying an increasingly annoying “turn back while you still can” They literally tell you to conceed whilr you still got dignity