There has to be hackers

Every single time i go against a warrior that uses tendrils they get nothing but helpful spells when they cast those things. YES i get that at 10 mana there are only 2 spells that can be casted. But there are 1000 other other spells 1-9 when they are ramping up. Why and i mean every time they get nothing but board clears and board fills on their end. HOW is that possible. I’ve played the Tendril deck. Most of the time the spells either clear my board when i cast them. When they cast them it’s perfect targeting to my taunt minions. Life steal when they need it. Spells 1-9 aren’t all good. What am i missing. I’m going to log what mana cost and spell they cast to track this. It’s insane.

No hackers. Just rigged game.

The game is wrigged by the AI. It’s that simple.
There is no RNG.

What Gang are you? “Frustrated Cowboyz” or wich one? :roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

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