Theotar nerf leak

Blizzard should stop giving into Babyrage my opponent has cards as the main reason to nerf.

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useless nerf. the games where the extra mana matters are far and few between. against aggro you wont be playing theotar, you’ll be playing whatever anti aggro cards you have in your hand. against control/combo you’ll be playing to draw for win conditions so you’ll have plenty of floating mana a lot of the time. or you’ll just be druid and play it at 20 mana. honestly after playing a bit more i care way more about sire being nerfed than theotar. if sire gets nerfed, theotar will indirectly get nerfed as that is the biggest win condition right now, except maybe guff


if the cards are bad why people asked for something like theo for years? these cards must been good

Something LIKE Theo, not this abomination. There is no opposing player agency with this card. Let each player select a card from the opponents hand. Make Theo a 5/5 and call it a day. You gain some tempo, and it makes it a risk vs reward play.

there is agency
for example when i play quest priest if i see a theo with identity theft i dont complete the quest and go for kaz instead trying to trick them into holding onto theo for the reward

or i avoid holding on duplicates as much as possible which causes theo to give them the wrong choices more often

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All classes can cast Identity theft tho right? And what happens if you don’t see it? You also play Theo in your deck do you not?

Can nerf the mana cost on Theo all they want… as long as cancer cards like Sire, Jailer, etc exist in their current form that make Theo’s disruption mandatory, you’re still gonna see Theo stealin’ yo goodies all day long.


You are starting to sound like me lol

Yes, all classes can do something like Identity theft to look at the opposing players hand. In fact, they can do this multiple ways.

Please share this wealth of information.

Coilfang let’s you discover cards in your opponent’s hand…AND let’s you disrupt it. You can play this on 4 and then Theo next. It’s a great combo if you get Coilfang, which DK Rexxar seems to love getting.

Murloc Holmes is a soft guess at what’s in your opponent’s hand. You’ll know if you guess wrong or right.

And before you start with some “But that’s not a copy like Identity Theft!” note that your original argument was that not all classes can SEE what’s in the opponent’s hand like Identify theft as a way to know when to use Theotar…but they most certainly can.

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Ok, now that we have discovered the cards, show me what decks they actually go in that are not T3 or lower. You see the problem is that those cards blow for the most part and there is a reason they are not in any decks.

This text of this card is too good at any price.
Just me thinks.

jailer is not nearly as bad as sire. i dont think jailer even needs a nerf as he still loses to tempo and non stat related board clears. jailer into sire is what makes it so stupidly strong

Moving goal posts now, are we? Your argument was “Not all classes can cast identity theft tho right” as an argument against not being able to see in the opponent’s hand to maximize Theotar.

Now that you’re proven wrong, you want to move goal posts and claim “but it’s not good!”.

Being “good” was never part of your original argument. The fact is it exists when you thought it didn’t.


The goal post was this card sucks donkey. It is a terrible card and should not have been printed. You countered with Identity Theft for all class. I then proved that the counters sucks, and no one uses them, bringing us right back to the fact that the card sucks donkey and should never have been printed.

The goal post was always the same, I just wanted to see what lame excuse you could make for the card being fair. What I got was a list of cards no one ever uses and for good reason.

No, the goal post YOU set was there was no player agency with this card. Boreas showed you where you were wrong, you chimed back “Yeah but not everyone can do that” and I proved you wrong. Now your goal post is “but THAT option isn’t good enough”

So your original arguments of “no player agency” and “not everyone can do that” is wrong. Now you want to move the goal posts for another claim.

Why is it so hard to admit you’re wrong on these forums?

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I hate playing Devil’s Advocate here as the guy annoys me, but to me, the options you name aren’t nearly as good as Theo, and I don’t believe see anywhere near as much play.

The argument I made was never that the options were as good as Identity Theft (we’re not talking about Theo) and the argument he made was never “show me an option that’s as good as Identity Theft”.

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I figured I was missing something:)

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