Theotar nerf leak

Theotar on the website is shown as a 6 mana 4/4

Legendary ¡ Minion ¡ Murder at Castle Nathria ¡ Battlecry: Discover a card in each player

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Up to 6 mana? This still stops nothing. The problem is with the card itself, not so much the cost of the card. When every deck is designed around key cards, the damage this card does goes through the roof.


You could make Theotar 10 mana and it wouldn’t change anything. It would still be a busted game-ending card that would be included in many decks

Reading the posts above make me realize how clueless people are.


Wishing it could be with overload 1 or 2 to prevent opponent playing stolen high cost card the next turn …

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Leave Theotar alone :rofl: :rofl:

Theotar is a “feels bad” card, so they can keep nerfing it out of the competitive ranks, but without changing the effect it won’t do much when somebody does pull off a good steal with it in a lower rank/unranked.

Unless/until they nerfed it so much it’s just a total meme card that’s basically unplayable.

Changing the effect would also defeat the original purpose of the card.

Devs can’t really win.


The less you see Theo, the more complaints there will be for cards like Sire, which has yet to be touched with the balance changes.

I’ve had Theo played against me plenty of times 4mana/5mana and still won the game.


" game ending card " :rofl: :rofl:
you misread the topic title this thread is about theotar


Wait, are they nerfing Theotar again?

I thought their plan was to see if it would have remained popular after the next expansion :joy:

In all fairness I think that was about Renethal, wasn’t it?

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Wrong card, nerf Sire first…

It actually keeps stupid things from happening…

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theotar isnt a power level issue at 5 mana. I wouldnt mind seeing him nerfed to the point where i never have to play against him ever again though

I mean… He is when he steals a game ending card sometimes.

But uhh… It’s not Theotar’s fault that other cards are badly designed.


The more they add mana to him, the less he can be used by other classes and the more Druid becomes king. Might as well just make him 11 mana and be done with it.


You can’t, Druids get 20 mana. You have to make it like 22 + 1 (coin) + 2 * 1 (innervate) + …

Nah, they want druid to be the combo breaker so you gotta let druid play him easily and make it hard for anyone else.

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Because they design terrible cards. Hard to win when you suck at what you are doing.


The card game has gone too far, but players keep defending the overtuned crap.
Blanket nerf the entire product already.


Playing that on 6 for 3/3 in stats means you are probably already winning the game. If not you just handed your opponent a HUGE tempo swing no matter what you take from them. It feels closer to what it probably should cost though.