The Urgent Need to Nerf Time Warp in Wild Mode

Wild mode, true to its name, should be wild, and I believe the win rate of Mage decks using Open the Waygate isn’t high enough to catch the designers’ attention. However, basing nerf decisions solely on win rates is a mistake. A game needs to be fun, and no Hearthstone deck should be overly insular. For at least the past 4 or 5 years, wild Mage has primarily revolved around Open the Waygate, leading to matches that lack interaction, hard to counter, and offer a poor experience. The previous nerfs to Sage Parrot didn’t address the root problem. It’s important to realize that Time Warp is destroying the fun of Hearthstone.


Yep. It’s ridiculous. I just posted about it and now i don’t see the post. I don’t care if it is Wild. They’re soliciting money for this format in a big way, even releasing an expansion for it. Yet they’ll ban a Priest card that allows you to draw 2 minions? Such a joke.

I love sitting by and watching a Mage take free turn after free turn because these devs are inept.

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Time warp on itself is a thing that could be manageable if it wasn’t for the absurd survivability of mage
I faced one where I had lethal on turn 4, but they played 5 ice blocks in a row then a good 10 turns in a row until they managed to finally kill all my taunts and kill me. I was hopping they’d missplay and die to fatigue but they pulled out a violet illusionnist.
What was the most infuriating was not them winning that way but really the time it took to know if wheter or not they’d kill me or give me a window opportunity to kill them. each final turn they were playing like 4 rommath per turn, casting each 3 useless ice blocks and several quest rewards on top of other random spells.
Literaly took 10 minutes of only them playing until I knew the final outcome of the game

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mage drew into fatigue and you didnt get your ashen elemental??

I generally just concede if I see time warp mage, I am actually grateful to do that and move on rather than play mages who use that and they get a “win” so we both win. Saves a lot of time