The type of person who plays Death Knights…

You know who you are :wink:

Fancy ladies who drink tea


Only class that isn’t complete CHEESE with their decks.

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I like DK quite a bit . Outed!

Apparently 80% of people who play Hearthstone are this type of person because literally 80% of my opponents tonight have been DKs. Great game you’ve got here, Blizz.

The entire meta is nothing but cheese. Since the devs do nothing about it, I have to assume this is the game they think players want and maybe they’re right. All I see is other players exploiting this busted solitaire crap

Tired of it. And tired of complaining about it. They’re never going to fix it and nobody seems to be losing their job over it

I literally don’t think you understand what the word “literally” actually means.

Congratulations, you’ve employed some common sense. If you aren’t having fun then stop playing. That’s not meant to be an insult. That’s literally (see how I’m using it, beeso? This is the correct usage of the word “literally”) the healthiest advice you can follow. Unless you’re making a living from playing HS, it’s not worth the effort to simply become aggravated. Just walk away.

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I don’t believe you.

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I really am. I’ve said all I can possibly say about the game and it’s current direction. Both here, on other forums, and on questionnaires from Blizzard themselves

Time to quit wasting my breath about it

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Exactly the same type who play Warrior and Druid…

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I mean, I do feel personally attacked by that shoe.

But, the shoe fits mighty comfortably, so :man_shrugging: