The Hardstone store is closed!

It’s been the second month since the store in the game was closed, I can’t spend the game gold, I’ve already accumulated 4,000 gold, the support team said to write on the forum and they’ll definitely help here, this is the second topic from me, and no one is going to help, I doubt that moderators read topics at all, from ordinary mortals, unsubscribe in this topic, everyone who also has a closed store in the game. Thanks!

My first topic:
The store has been closed for a month


I assume you already tried to reinstall the game and clear the cache manually?

Have you tried to change the network you are connecting with? If you are using mobile data to connect to a wifi network instead and start the game then?

Is there an anti virus program or firewall installed on you phone? Have you tried to disable them and then start the game?

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I think I can say it for everyone who is going through the same thing, that everything has already been tried, since as @Denzel mentions, it is the second month that the store is closed, neither on PC nor on mobile, nor changing networks, devices or reinstall it. , the problem is something in the game, and only for some, the truth is I don’t know how many, but I’m sure of one thing, this situation is already making me sick, and the only thing we can do is continue commenting on this forum and waiting. … like this, it doesn’t make you want to play.


I’ve already done everything I can try to do on the phone, nothing helped, the last thing I did was completely reset the phone to factory settings, it didn’t help either.

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Anche a me lo stesso problema , ho provato tutto ma niente da fare , io ho android , volevo comprare il pass battaglia ma niente da fare , la situa,ione è improponibile cosi

I have this same bug. This issue has been ongoing for two months. Everything you, Joachim, have suggested has been tried. This is a Hearthstone issue.

It’s been 10 patches now and still no fix…