The State of Wild

Been playing wild ladder in legend, an it’s such an unpleasant experience it makes me sad. I’ve been playing this game for so long, I want to just play it and enjoy it, but this is pretty ridiculous. Around 50% of my games are pirate rogue. It’s so utterly frustrating and boring. So many people are content to do the same simplistic, boring thing over and over and over and over. So, I either have to play an equally boring and stupid deck to even have a chance, or play a deck I enjoy and rarely even get to play a card before I lose on turn 4 or 5.

And, if it isn’t pirate rogue, it’s secret mage, or even shaman, or pirate shadowform priest. Gone are all the interesting, complex decks that I used to enjoy playing against in wild. Beyond which, I don’t understand the MMR/ranking at all. I entered legend at around 2300, and quickly got to 1700. Then, I stopped playing the stupid deck I was forced to play to compete with pirate rogues and secret mages and get to legend, and my winrate dipped from maybe 60 to 70 percent to just under 50.

It is what it is, and, if I have to have a slightly losing percentage in order to play decks I enjoy, then so be it… but what’s even the point when I lose so many games on turn 4 and 5 to utter stupidity? Even if I accept the lower winrate, what’s the point if I never even get a chance to play my deck? And, like I said, I don’t get the MMR thing. Every time I win, I get around 20-40 points added to my score, and, every time I lose, I lose around 40-80 it seems.

So, with around a 47% winrate since being at 1700, I’m now around 3600. OK, I can see losing some rank because I’m just below 50%, but I’ve lost so much rank because I lose so much more when I lose a game than I gain when I win one. Obviously, rank isn’t the most important thing to me, or I wouldn’t be playing less-viable decks, but it’s still kind of stupid and frustrating, and, like I said, I just don’t get the math.

So, between being so bored with the type of games I’m playing, plus the weird ranking BS, I’m really just not having fun. I realize it doesn’t serve much purpose to make a post just explaining how unhappy I am, but I guess I’m curious if others feel the same way. Who knows, maybe most of the people who don’t enjoy this type of meta have just left the game, leaving people that are OK with it. I mean, even casual wild, which used to be where I went for fun, is mostly the same now.

So, I guess it’s back to standard, or on to playing another game, since standard has only gotten more and more simple and fast over the years as well. I’m just so used to playing HS as my go-to game, I guess it just hurts to be unfulfilled by playing, and I just want things to be more fun again. Maybe I’m just not the right match for the game anymore, since I like slower decks.

Problem is, even as the game got faster, I’ve always been able to find at least a couple of decks that are slower but still viable. Now, with the pirate rogue meta in wild, there just isn’t a non-aggro deck I can find that competes well, and the day I have no choice but to play pirate rogue myself is the day I move on from HS, I think.


People play games the way they find enjoyable. For some, that’s playing whatever is the current best or gets them the win, regardless of whether or not it’s the most appealing to them (the complaints about Shadowlands covenants in WoW come to mind; people couldn’t choose the theme they wanted because then they couldn’t be as competitive or effective).

Me, I take the path of what’s the most fun, or what I envision for a particular character. It’s all about the roleplay and the fantasy of it, in which case I lose more games than I win. Sometimes it does get a bit frustrating and boring, but I’ve never minded being the underdog. I complete my quests while playing the decks with cards I enjoy the most. The journey is the destination! :smiley:

What’s most frustrating is there’s no part of the ladder that isn’t plagued with this. Seriously, at dumpster legend you might as well play something fun, like what are you gonna climb out the gutter and even if you do who cares lol? . Although to be fair I don’t think I’ve ran into a single person playing pirate rogue or even shaman who isn’t a bot in weeks, I actually think I’m starting to see secret mage bots too because I’ve seen some pretty dumb play patterns. Renathal nerf was absolutely horrible for wild and the meta has been boring as can be since. I find myself only playing at down time during work now and only because I don’t feel like learning a new game/since it’s turn based I don’t have to pay much attention. I couldn’t imagine actually sitting and playing this game on a pc lol.

I’m at the point where if there’s a deck I don’t want to play I just concede. I don’t care about getting to high legend, I just want to have fun playing this game.

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I feel the same way, but it’s hard to even play just to have fun if you never make it past turn 5. In the past 4 games, I made it to turn 4 in 2 games, and to turn 5 in 2 games, against pirate rogue, murloc shaman, aggro paladin, and bomb rogue. Even the bomb rogue beat me on turn 4. I mean, I can take losing rank because I’m playing decks I like just to have fun, but how do I have fun if I never get beyond turn 5? It’s not about winning or losing, but about not even being able to play my decks, basically.

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That would be pretty frustrating; I can see where your issue is.

I might not win every match, but my games do generally last awhile, well past turn 4 or 5. I feel like I at least got a good game out of it, like I had fun with my deck, regardless of the outcome.

I do have those occasional games where I’m basically smoked right out of the gate, but those are few and far between for me.

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Out of curiosity what are you playing? I’ve been playing black rock and roll Reno warrior with varying success, kinda fun to play. I don’t have tons of those turn 5 games but they do happen frequently enough that it’s annoying. When I run into control a lot(actually super rare which is a bummer since I like the deck) I play a carnivorous cube Druid with shellfish and undertakah lol. I generally like “bad” decks though.

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Most of my decks are wild, and I’ve been switching between them a lot. Most are slower decks, and I haven’t really come up with much of an answer for pirate rogue. Played a C’thun druid deck, and some mech mage, and big priest most recently I think.

I guess the changes they said they were going to implement in wild for this year will probably come in the last quarter.

No one cares if you got low rank legend.

The game hasn’t taken skill since Reynad/Forsen were playing it regularly.

Who the hell said this was about my reaching legend? I was talking about the state of the meta, obviously. But no, you have to actually take time out of your life to try to make your microscopic peepee feel bigger by trying to make someone feel worse about themselves. In two minutes, I’ll never think about you again for the rest of my life, but you will have to live with being that type of person 24/7, until you grow up, or until your forebrain develops, or until you spend the rest of you life digging yourself a deeper and deeper hole because some sociopath convinced you, at some time or another, that belittling others is the way to create an illusion of superiority. It’s exactly the opposite, and, if the boys that play this game had any idea that they’re hurting themselves much more than others, gameplay in this stupid game, and in gaming in general would be a totally different experience.

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lol … roar much?


A new player who starts will think he is on a balanced game especially since blizzard has 13 billion $, and well no he will come across the worst trash of ccg, stupid balancing (deck aggro > deck control), a game rigged with an algorithm that favors big payers when he comes across an f2p player.

This game is the worst scam of the millennium, no wonder it’s $13 billion since you have gamers who spend a lot on this game (the worst losers who think they’re finally strong on video games when no it’s just pl by blizzard).

I still can’t believe they killed off multiple warlock cards like cataclysm but decks like pirate rogue, kingsbane, timewarp mage, shudderwock shaman don’t have to worry about nerfs.