The Renewed Struggle

So, this comes about every so often with any great change, and that is, The Struggle. Do I stay? Or do I go? Am I sticking around? Or am I done? I don’t want to play…but I’m too invested in playing…I don’t agree at all…but I’m going to continue my addiction anyway…And more. The Struggle. It even affects one such as myself, a person who spent money and supported Hearthstone for the first few years. A person who has been playing the game more days than not, for 10 years now. It wouldn’t be the first time I stand up for what is right and declare “I quit”, and sadly, it probably wouldn’t be the last either. There is no cure for addiction, after all. At least, not one that completely gets rid of addiction, the thoughts, the feelings, the withdrawal, etc; there is no cure. All this to say, I get it. I haven’t uninstalled (yet). I’m in general a “bend over and take it” kind of person. With Blizzard, I know a lot of us are that way due to our investments, our addictions, or whatever else. But at a certain point, enough is enough, no? At a certain point, you have to stand up and say, you know what, it’s my money, and I’ll use it when I need it. It’s hot today, no you won’t call tomorrow, you’ll call now. To which I say, Hallelujah. Finally some sense, someone to point out the obvious. The first step is always the hardest. Can I take it? Can we make it? Together, we can. I believe in you. God Bless you all, no matter what :pray:

Game is horid to many cards do TO MANY things and has RUINED the game. I don’t even want to log in anymore, because the decks being played are all TOXIC horid decks.