The removal of Duels?

Clearly, their whole business operation revolves around you, as does the world entire.

Surely, with a bit of searching, you could have found their official explanation, for example:

But no, it’s so much easier to come to some forums and throw a tantrum like a proper big baby. :grinning:

Would that you’d be that self-critical, our dear forum white knight of some renown. :grinning:

Nice attempt, but apparently, that hasn’t been their actual motivation (see the source above).

By the way, I don’t really think you argument, although generally reasonable, is valid for them in particular: first, they’ve probably got legal terms saying they can do whatever they want; second, they’ve already removed Classic, which was ‘supposed’ to stay there ‘forever’, and most of those cards were de facto useful only in that mode — one can consider it a precedent of sorts; oh, and if that’s not enough, one more small thing: think of their whole business operation in China — people had paid for a lot of stuff there, you know, only for it to be gone with the wind.