The reason this game will die

Okay so I know there are probably going to be numerous reasons this game will die and ultimately it will be because Blizz can’t make enough money from it anymore to keep it around, but hear me out.

The reason I’m getting tired of regular old original Hearthstone (not mercs, not bg’s, just the original game) is because in wild it’s getting too easy to know by turn 3 whether you have a chance in hell of winning the match you’re in.

Like I was just playing the armor warrior that is hot right now, but I got into a battle with a pally that right out of the gate starts playing mechs. I kept up with him, but the armor warrior is better later in the game and so when naturally my opponent used 7 cards to craft a magnetized 12/24 mech with windfury and I have no cards to counter it I’m like well I guess I lost on turn 9, but I basically knew on turn 1 I was dead.

It didn’t used to be like this in the earliest days of this game. Very rarely would you get beat as bad as I did just now another match where my opponent had 11 mana and threw down Brann and Astalor and I lost at 25 health left.


How do you kill that which is already dead?


This community is toxic.


I’m still having fun with friends. The only thing this game desperately needs are better social features. So it’s easier to find true friends you can have fun with.

But even now it’s not that hard. As a casual player that doesn’t care for Ranked and getting to Legend I think of trying to find a new friend in that way. Will I find this month a cool new awesome friend? I feel like it’s about as difficult. Well, maybe a bit easier, I don’t know. As someone that never tried it seriously I can’t tell for sure, but I think it also just takes a lot of time and dedication. And I can tell that by keep persisting I did indeed actually manage to find quite a few new friends I do have some fun with every now and then. It is very much possible. Not everyone is as toxic as it is generally said about the community.

The only thing is that of course it’s still questionable if that player base alone can make them enough money. I guess only time will tell. But I for one am still very hopeful. And if they would make the game more sociable I also would be willing to spend some money on it again.

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The reasons this game will die
(Me) puts on “young hearts” (from The Karate Kid), cranks it to 11, and here we go.

Competition from texting, smartphones, everything but hearthstone is real. if this game was so good, it would beat everything out for your attention ( remember 2014, 2015, 2016?) i do, and it was the best we ever had right? Every time too it was so good and warm.

So 2 percent goes to iphones being so OP that nothing has a chance to hold your attention like it used to, so ppl game less, bc everytime you game your phone is all over your mind. So less play time means slightly less money for the company regardless of game quality vs other games. ie the smart part of phones are blizzard’s biggest enemy and well humanities tbh. we used to all day zelda mario 1, mario 3 (2 was weird, but not as weird as adventures of link that sh was horrifying as a kid, what is this side scrolling game w no continues and 40 year old women coming out of houses that is glitchable if you frame perfect it?).

we all day’d the games bc we didnt have an iphone 14 drooling for our attention at arms reach. we had somethin bigger! (OR smaller in my case LOL).

The game thrives on interactivity and having a creative space to express yo self. Thrives on being simple to understand, rewarding to play, and aesthetically ‘cool’.

  1. Interactivity breaks down into cards interacting, and emotes.
    When the game gets less about the board and the community naturally finds the hand to face damage decks, that reduces interactivity if there aren’t cards or enough cards to disrupt ones hand. mana cost, card shuffle, “objection” what an op card if i ever saw one, “counterspell” less OP bc coin but super OP after coin. or big armor decks to counter face damage for the druids mages (IB) and warriors.

We don’t like playing games where our cards couldnt trade. the game will fail if the difficulty of hand to face decks is real low, and if there’s little counterplay. something like 10 years ago freeze mage wasnt easy, so it was cool. you can throw all your spells face and then lose because you didnt clear, and could of drawn into lethal later had you of held your horses. now a days somethin like plague or idk the warlock deck w lifesteal, i dont think either deck times it just play it out and that’s the key difference between then and now.

On the emote side, having a cool emote like “im sorry” that brightened the mood. no one gets offended when someone says sorry. its not like wow, well played, greetings, and so forth bc its about yourself, you are sorry, not pointing a finger at your opponent like the ‘wow’ emote that took ‘sorry’s’ place like in 2015. minnow in the pond, still a factor.

  1. Creative space
    deckbuilding. that window shrunk like 5 years ago when they gave streamers exclusive access to cards. and when google bought youtube and turned it into facebook. if you have a 2 week window to come up with anything not known, thats like the bare min for the deckbuilders out there. these games were made under the original premise that you’d buy cards come up with an idea and try it. in 2023 thats completely impossible to also win, given the web of streamers pros chats youtube videos twittter iphones droids 5g etc.

There isnt much blizz can do except take away the streamer exclusive access which should of happened yesterday it would help not solve the prob. there is no solving it but please dont pour gas on the fire blizz.

  1. rewarding to climb
    the whole ladder restructure is so bad its play anything half asleep hit rank 5 then grind that portion to legend. pennies to what it used to be. lint and buttons. literally undermining the original goal of the game to hit legend. they think this favors new players yet anytime you have money involved, a good player can buy a supreme deck or 5 and bully new players at rank 50. it happens, all the time, when that rank was around if it still is. solution is to not allow real money for the ‘beginner’ ranks to keep competition pure.

  2. aesthetics
    does it even have to be mentioned?
    most the skins are underwhelming, its so unlike old blizzard, but this is new blizzard and that hole in their shoe was self inflicted. they took a lot of cool lookin card art years ago and reworked them into probably the ugliest stuff one can drum up but because its “subjective” they fall back on that as if that makes it ok lol.

having 20 bad deals in the shop at all times is not simple to understand.
having 5 6 ways to play the game instead of 2 or 3 like before.
divides the community and division isnt as great as appealing to different tastes.
the UI is totally underwhelming its like a game to navigate and way to cumbersome. it used to be simple and blizz did not keep it simple. where the h is this mode?.

bonus 2
gold cards.
undermined when they went core set and gave everyone like a ton of free gold cards, now gold isnt noteworthy because nobody knows what cards were given gold by blizz and which ones you paid for. they bounced the cool factor of being a gold card collector a big no no.

bonus 3
the ui on the card library its so badly done. have a separate tab for "cards given to us for free by blizz that everyone has’ and “cards you actually paid gold/money/time for” ie the ones you probably want to add in your decklist to take your deck in your own direction.

bonus 4
the green border on the cards. “play me 90 percent the time maybe trade and click pass” we don’t shouldnt have UI ques to things we/us old days folk had to calculate or remember ourselves. why dont they have a green border on your opponents face when you have lethal at this point? Probably will happen at some pt and at that point the game will be o-zone. “hey! You new player! You have lethal dummy!” this sounds more realistic than EV at this pt.

giant bonus 5
the competitive scene flopped worse than one can imagine. have it consistently at the same place, don’t show decklists prior so the pros can’t practice forever w their streamer buddies leading up to the tourney. let it be organic like it used to way back. have it at blizzcon, actually have a blizzcon, dont royally po your other game’s fanbases like diablo, and have a simple way to qualifty. nobody cares about ‘pros’ playing against decks they have 100 percent certainty on, card by card, and have like TAS’d out 1000 times to see the best way to win vs their upcoming opponents. its lame. its not interesting, so nobody watches.

the big asterisk is at the end of the month the whole counterqueing on ladder that you strategize on when to click play to increase the chances on hitting a rematch w a diff deck to blow your idk number 2 opponent out the water and maintain 1. there really isnt a solution to this but don’t be fooled when you see a top 100 player or so, lots of times theres a lot more going on to sway the odds in ones favor up there. nobody likes it either. Why play the game if nobody wants to get in on the competitive scene bc its reworked 5 times and is not what it appears to be? why full time the game and go for it if its not…cool?

there i hope this is somethin for lunch. i havent posted in like 2 years, death in family, its therapeutic in moderation.

Honestly i love this game but i miss the combo deck days and the thrill of whats this deck gonna do. Nowadays its who can slam the biggest stuff down or who can mill you faster than you can kill them. Its just boring with the new meta. Titans massively oped the warlock imp decks and armor warrior is just boring. Only decks i see ran in ranked 90% of the time is both of those and mech decks…My advice just play fun stuff or whats left of the fun decks or meme decks anymore…Those are whats rly fun. Unfortunatly anti meta is hard as hell to make anymore so its all just meta and more meta. Boring.

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The toxicity continues. :roll_eyes:


You know, the community would probably be less toxic if the devs listened or responded to constructive feedback, but they don’t. Instead, they keep making the same mistakes over and over again as the game’s player numbers continue to dwindle and the rampant botting becomes more and more apparent. Blizzard is the Frankenstein and we are its monsters. If anyone is to blame for the state of the game and its community, it’s them.


The players make it worse.


Toxic games create toxic players. It’s as simple as that.


This is the next evolution of this company’s line (and repeated by their defenders verbatim) about “the vocal minority.” Now the entire community gets painted with it.

It got repeated ad naseum across games, was run into the ground at wow until the sub freefall from years of the devs’ ego (especially the lead) led to them stopping the release of active sub counts altogether.

Nowadays, the word “toxic” gets bandied about like someone is trying to get a Brittney song played from the 00s. When devs spend most of a Q&A taking softballs, going on about food, and doing everything in their power to avoid talking about the real issues, in addition to their years of broken promises about “improved communication” it’s the company and devs, blues, mods, and their proxies on the forums that need to stop throwing stones from the glass house the size of actiblizz HQ and all their respective satellite offices before they dare say a word about the playerbase.

Because they have a responsibility to set the tone for the conversation, be an example for who they want the community to be, and time and time again this company has failed to even meet a basic standard of human decency in how it treats its own employees, to say nothing of how it has treated its playerbases, on a whole host of issues.

But its far easier to keep the status quo in the scummy mega corp, to make nice flowery statements about “leveling up for a better world”(htt ps:// than to actually do it. Because when the rubber hits the road, they’ll say “we investigated ourselves and find no wrongdoing”



A creative space with people ravaged with insecurities, living in constant angst of choosing to face the next power move played on them or investing in a game with a company that wants to exploit them for their attention.

+The aesthetics have been down the drain since day 1 if you consider that it’s the same dusty old battlefield remade with every new board, AND the same damaged and torn looking neutral (and maybe class) cards to choose from that have less to due with theme, and more to do with just fitting into a creative space for design.

I love this game too and don’t want to see it come to an end, which as I see it, will be a chaotic spinning wind-up and fizzle out end.

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No. Toxic players make themselves.

I’d like to declare that “toxicity” is down to YOU or ME. If I say I’m not being toxic, who’s to say that it’s not you? And if I’m to say that it’s you, does that not mean we could have a disagreement until the predatory next person decides? Who cares who is toxic. Toxic is a toxic phrase. Let’s will into existence good for the sake of good. As Jesus teaches, we should accept hardship with understanding, compassion and love to always strive to do better.

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wait till you play magic the gathering…

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Actual Magic The Gathering dialogue :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

“I tap 1 wilderbeast to summon crack fiend.”
“I play my instant destiny internal destruction from hand by tapping 1 sentryburn to destroy your crackfiend”
“I tap 3 toxicity swamps for the vampiric bloodlust sadist”

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The aesthetics for the latest board is laughable at best. That lower right section with the globe and 2D crescent moon? LOL

I will say the new Signature cards for the new wild set look fantastic. But wild is ridiculous with no balance at all.

Let’s be real. These devs are clueless. The devs running the game when i joined 4 years ago were so much better. They saw the balance issues and fixed them. These nerf some card that makes no difference in the meta and call it a day.

Hearthstone needs Microsoft to take over. They know how to run games.


And you’re not doing better. Just like countless players I’ve encountered, you’re being toxic.

That’s happening right now as we speak.

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Totally agree! Just pure trash they created.

Too many broken cards and matchmaking issues. I’m honestly surprised it’s lasted this long.

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