The real problem with Hearthstone

The real problem that Blizzard has is that this game is not fun to play against your opponent. The decks that Blizzard have created can be fun for the person who drafts that deck, but a totally horrible experience for their opponent. You’re alienating your players because they can’t stand to play against the decks they see over and over again. The player base is quitting because this is no longer a fun game.

This is an unreasonable thing to expect. What you should expect instead is symmetry. You have the agency to pick whichever deck you want, so that you can have fun as what you play AS. What you should expect from what you play against is something that makes your opponent happy, not something that makes you happy.

You will never have agency over what you play against. You might attempt to gain agency by calling for this or that to be nerfed, and hoping Blizzard will listen to you, but the power for this will never truly be your choice. And it’s very difficult to be happy with something that isn’t and never will be your choice. It isn’t meant to be.

I can’t tell you whether this is a fun game for you or not, but Hearthstone had more players in April than it did in March.

You’re missing the point entirely. Hearthstone designers have created a game that is now a chore to play. When I play sports, I don’t hate playing against strong teams or good players. I love the sport for what it is. When I play online games, I accept that I lose games but I enjoy the challenge and the gameplay.

Hearthstone is not a fun game because it is not fun to play against my opponent. I actively hate playing against the vast majority of the meta decks. And none of that hate has to do with losing. Instead, I have to watch as my opponent plays Helya on 4, coins Brann on 5 etc. These mechanics completely take away any sense of fun or enjoyment.

We may as well flip a coin at the start of the game. Maybe Flipstone would be more of a fun game.