The protoss hero card revealed

You re talking to the wrong Mage player lol,i have been very happy on the times that Mage got love from the dev team.

Its also worth noting that the class tends to get a bone (Besides Priest thats also a black sheep in the family) less times than its pears.

Beloved by the masses and negleted by its parents at times, but still part of the family.

Unlike Demon Hunter thats adopted and a fraud.

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ah yes the class that hasnā€™t been Tier B and above sinceā€¦ let me get my glasses on straight

Darkmoon Faire.

If you wanna talk about love children, look at Rainbow DK maybe, but donā€™t claim DH has been ā€œbroken and lovedā€ for years

Yes you need a new pair of glasses those are broken, and i made sure to look for a time the class was at tier 1 and not 2 thats still strong.

Demon Hunter isnt a child its an unwanted abomination that shares no blood with the rest of the classes, a pariah of sorts.
I dont dispute its ranking on the family only that he is NOT part of the family whatsover.

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??? Hmmm, did we already forget Big Spell Mage meta just recently? Elemental Mage?

try again bud

and yes, i know DH has had a t1 deck here and there but they never last more than a week

Oh my bad, I followed the conversation in the wrong order and thought you were talking about Mage. I didnā€™t see it jump to DH there.

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To be fair Big spell mage was just murdered in one of the most atrocious nerf sequences someone can imagine. That last version is on par with the most nerfed decks in story.

The guy who repeats a card was nerf
The discount panda
reverted tsunami
nerfed skyla
nerfed surfalopod
And i probably did forget some card

With that saidā€¦
Protoss has so much mana cheating that it is already worth a note by itself and then there is the coins mages runs nowadaysā€¦
It will probably be boring as hell in the sense that it is basically just mana cheating in the end of the day but it is so much mana cheating together that iā€™m really find it dificult to blizzard to find a way to make the cards somehow bad.

Speaking of mageā€¦

Just unpacked Signature Exarch Hataaru from the brawl standard pack. You think itā€™ll be any good in Protoss Mage?

It is good when you get it randonly in an exacavate deck and that is it. Otherwise draenei are junk.

pain and suffering

1600 dust it is!

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Thatā€™s just factually False. DH has had multiple tier 1 and 0 decks since that time.

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Yup i already uninstall HS lol.

100% this. I actually took Naga DH to Legend before it was nerfed. That deck was beyond broken.

FYI, first game since mini-set, dropped the hero on 4, opponent never caught up but honestly not just because of the hero, I ramped into a massive board then Bobā€™d his one big minion.
It actually feels a bit slow (I know that sounds crazy) once decent aggro decks come out.
I ran the entire Protoss package + ramp, Bob, Marin, and a couple pendants for draw.
I may have to add Kilā€™jaeden because I almost ran out of cards to play. Also not sure what to do about a big board wipe, you donā€™t have a lot of refueling options. Fizzle seems so bad.

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Just have to wait for it to be refined. But non-refined dropping it on 4 says a lot.

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artanis is not fun to face at all

Itā€™s just just the hero card, the ramp/discount package makes almost every minion free. Itā€™s bonkers.
Edit: and Iā€™m playing in mid-Legend right now (bouncing around 4500-ish) so itā€™s not like Iā€™m facing meme trash.