The protoss hero card revealed

Legendary · Hero · The Great Dark Beyond · Battlecry: Summon two 3/4 Zealots with Charge. Your Protoss minions cost (2) less this game.

give a friendly minion and your hero +1 atk this turn and divine shield

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Hmm charge minions, that synergizes well with druid and rogue??? I think it’s fair

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the hero power is crazy for weapon rogue
going from 2 mana do nothing, to 2 mana deal more dmg and gain a DS

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Hmm to be honest I was thinking about the possibilities for making a combo deck mainly for druid rogue mage and priest, I have almost all the good legendaries from that 4 classes and all the tourists save for aman’thul and norgannon since I wasn’t around when titans was out.

Mage is probably my weakest class and it’s the only one that I don’t have golden portrait yet.

This is so busted.

No way this thing doesn’t get nerfed. Safe craft.

The hero power alone is nuts, not to mention the charge minions and mana cheat. This will come out on turn 3 or 4 for Druid.

Hope everyone is ready for this bs.


Not necessarily. There’s a chance they have in mind to kill the ramp archetype, with nerfs before the release.


See lmao, and people pushed back when the Terran hero was revealed and i said it was boring lmao.
This is more like it, Mage,Priest,Rogue and Druid are eating good.

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Does literally everything in the game just have tons of armor gain, rush, charge, or divine shield now by default? Or just cost 3 or 4 mana less than what’s listed on the card? Or even all of the above?


Although not impossible it will be rare to drop this on 3 or 4. Not that it matters really because this reliably on turn 5 will be nuts.
What I don’t get is them saying they wanted to significantly reduce the impact of charge, then keep adding more charge to the game (Leeroy coming back, pirates, etc.).

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So far this mini set does not seem to be scaling back the power level. XD.

If the new xpac does try to slow the game now, these starcraft cards might be a terror all year long.

Im not convinced they have a consistent vision for the game. Every set makes it more confusing as they just keep giving more damage from hand and other things they claim to be moving away from


Resummoning all starships you launch is a very powerful effect.
Plus you get to summon a 4/2 taunt which is a strong hero power when you consider that if the marine isnt removed it will be buffed again the next time you use it

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Highly doubtful. Them killing Ramp in Druid would be like killing armor in Warrior. It’s not happening. It’s core and likely never going away. I’m willing to bet that when we have a core rotation they rotate some ramp out and the new expansion has a new ramp card. It’s practically guaranteed at this point.

For real. It’s just so overdone at this point.

I don’t think it will be rare at all. New Heights on 3. Turn 4 you’re at 5 mana play 0 cost card to make this hero 5 mana.

That’s without the coin.

Turn 5 will be nearly guaranteed. Turn 4 will be common and Turn 3 will be the oddity.

We’re seeing Dungar, a 9 mana card, coming down on turn 6. A 7 mana card that can be reduced by 2 with another card coming down on 4 should be expected.

Turn 4 Druid will be dropping 3/4 3/4 both with charge and their hero power and forever discounts are absolutely going to be a problem.

This. I don’t understand the love relationship with Charge when it’s already proven to be a problem every single time it’s reintroduced. And now they are making several charge cards for several classes.

I think that it’s likely we’ll see a dialing back of ramp at least, any sort of multi-class or neutral card that includes Druid has to be balanced around Druid cheating it out early. It’s been a consistent pain point for their card design (Dungar, Yogg Unleashed).

It’s been consistent for years. I don’t know why anyone thinks it’s going to change.

If the pattern is:
Oops. Druid ramp makes Neutral too strong. Nerf Neutral.
Oops. Druid ramp makes Neutral too strong. Nerf Neutral.
Oops. Druid ramp makes Neutral too strong. Nerf Neutral.
Oops. Druid ramp makes Neutral too strong. Nerf Neutral.
Oops. Druid ramp makes Neutral too strong. Nerf Neutral.
Oops. Druid ramp makes Neutral too strong. Nerf Neutral.
Oops. Druid ramp makes Neutral too strong. Nerf Neutral.
Oops. Druid ramp makes Neutral too strong. Nerf Neutral.

You should expect the next iteration to be:
Oops. Druid ramp makes Neutral too strong. Nerf Neutral.

and not:
We figured out the problem now. We won’t do it again.


Because if the devs were never willing to try and address the underlying cause instead of the symptoms, we wouldn’t have the Standard format, or Twist, or the Demon Seed ban.

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We have New Heights and Trail Mix for another year. The ramp is already here regardless.

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And? Nerfs are a well-established part of the game; just ask Crystal Cluster.

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We are talking about different things yikes, i never put into question the power level of the cards only that they are beyond boring.

Paladin is a prime example of a strong class that can put anyone to sleep despite living rent free on the higher ranks.

The fact that Artanis is strong is just the cherry on top for me ,this is an exciting card that comes with a permanent mana cheat.
Even if it was bad it would see insane levels of play.

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We’ll revisit this on expansion release. Ramp isn’t going away.

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Its just as boring as the other hero. Mana cheat isnt new or exciting either. Plus the summons are very similar to demonslayer kurtris. The card isnt doing anything new or exciting. Just a mish mash of other hero cards we have already seen. Even the divine shield part. Actually think the terran one is more exciting even if ill play the protoss one more cause i play rogue

Artanis is boring because the battlecry may as well read “if this doesnt kill your opponent; obliterate them on your next turn with the discounts” because in practice this will be abused to otk or at least burn an opponent out of the game.

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