Solid Hero card but to me it’s VERY boring. Nothing interesting out of the HP. I am really tired of these premade combos.
We know they have the capacity to make interesting cards. This card exists and it’s amazing and interesting to play. Can design please get more creative???
This is really my main issue. The combo is all premade, so this doesn’t help with deck variation. If you’re going for a Protoss deck, like 14+ cards are already determined.
Between this and Starships, I am expecting that rotation will make the meta much, much less diverse than normal.
??? What are you talking about , you have all your wires crossed.
Rogue thank God doesnt have to deal with the boring Terran cards, the class deserves better i only feel sorry for Shaman because it got the short straw but at least its only 3 Terran classes.
This is not by chance when it came to decide what faction would have less class Terran was the obvious pick, and if you ask me it was 1 too many i would have put Shaman in Protoss as well and left Terran with only 2 classes.
You are free to have your opinion of course but you stand in the minority of whats boring or not, cards that mana cheat always see insane levels of play regardless of power.
Cards like the Terran hero tend to see sub par play rates despite of how strong they can be.
Paladin is the poster child of this.
I, personally, would have loved the Terran theme for Rogue because I love the starship stuff and it would have been fun with it. You could launch early and often.
But, alas, that cannot be. And all the Terran cards certainly are catered heavily toward Paladin. Warrior is likely never going to have a Terran deck and Shaman will certainly get some use out of the starship stuff with Shudderblock shenanigans, but it’s likely not going to be good enough for meta.
The Paladin stuff though will absolutely see play in some flood deck.
Ghost is going to be annoying in Shaman, and let’s all be glad that Rogue isn’t using it.
Originally, I thought the distribution should have gone like this:
DH, Hunter, Druid, DK
Paladin, Rogue, Warrior
Shaman, Priest, Mage, Warlock
To me, that all makes more sense. 4 aggro classes for Zerg, Spell casting for Protoss, and Stealth (for Ghost)/Tank/Mech for Terran.
But I can see how Rogue fit into Protoss because of the Templar and Arbiter stuff.
The reason people play those types of playstyles is because they want to win, not necessarily because it is more fun.
Players go for burn because it cant be interacted with and they actually dont want their opponent to stop them from doing the thing that wins the game.
It is up to the dev team to design board centric gameplans that are engaging. They need to stop feeding burn-centric gameplans that will clearly be abused despite their intentions.
All the mana cheat protoss stuff will just lead to otk style decks for the classes it exist in… except maybe preist. You can come up with fun combos, but realistically the protoss cards so far are just about melting your opponent’s face. Discount stuff-melt face is boring and usually uninteractive
I think the devs nailed the class factions besides Shaman, i love Warlock but for me there was no way it was anything but a Zerg class.
The Protoss classes are all perfect for me, as for Terran only 2 fit for me and thats Warrior because they are the grunts and Paladin because they are the definition of boring.
My favorite faction in Starcraft is Zerg and i cant see any other classes there besides those so another perfect from Blizzard from me.
Its a shame that Demon Hunter is there but they fit despite how much i hate that stupid class.
My predition is Zerg comes out on top of the mini set , Sarah is just too iconic .
oh 100%. Aggro is always consistent and anything that looks like a good aggro card will see play without a doubt, and the entire Zerg set already looks aggrotastic.
Buffs minions. Divine shields. Uses those on a minion or charger (e.g leeroy) for finsiher
Currently has librams which permenantly discounts a type of card
Hero power buffs a minion and gives divine shield. Can always use it on chargers (including the one from battlecry, but there’s a neutral protoss spell that summons two chargers)
Protoss’ thing is to permanently discount a type of card (their minions). Void ray gains a stat bonus if it cost zero just like librams
Bro, protoss is actually riffing on paladins
You do the meme thing and post that old Simpson’s clip where people are going crazy because Malibu Stacy’s GOT A NEW HAT OMG
Druid was dragon ramping with whelp.
That entire meta was where all the neutrals got nerfed because Druid could ramp and play neutrals faster than anyone else. Denathrius, for example. All those sets even as far back as Kazakusan. They all got nerfed because of Druid ramping and playing them faster and better than anyone else. It has been this way for several years now.
You have to remember they had their core ramp as well.
try to browse around hearthstone classic druid set and see what cards they have back in 2014 should give you an idea that druid identity revolves around ramping mana, a little card draws and tokens.
But what about debit, credit, mobile payment, etc? Do you use your webbed feet or your tongue to hold on to the coins?
Anyways, as I’m a sucker in looking things up online…
Apparently DW Origins has the digital deluxe edition that gives you 72 hour earlier access to the game, alongside some swag (book, soundtrack, letters)
All that for an extra $20 from the base game
I haven’t bought a game at full price for a long time, but I’m pretty sure that’s pretty normal as far as pre-order/deluxe editions go. I wouldn’t expect the book/letters to be physical but even then those are probably more than just horse armor.
…and while I was looking about this i found out they’re also coming out with Commandos Origins. Love that series.
every TCG that lived longer than two years (sorry GWENTers) has had a standard rotation.
A good idea butchered by their bad monetization, turns out its really hard to sell 40/50 dollar bundles for something that disappears after 30 days.
this one I can’t really make an excuse for, the card was completely broken considering that we’ve DOUBLED the amount of damage you have to take to complete it and its’ still Top 3 decks of all time in Wild.
I missed this, I misread the card and thought it only discounted minions, not any Protoss card. So yes, with a decent mulligan turn 3 is totally reasonable and 4 is reliable.
I think this at least has the potential to be utterly broken (even by Druid standards).
I think the first nerf might actually need to be Construct Pylons for this very reason.
I was there when they first announced the Standard format; I recall that they were pretty reluctant to introduce Standard, to effectively remove entire sets of cards from play. It came off as a decision made by necessity so new cards wouldn’t constantly have to compete with old cards.
The alternative would have been craptons of powercreep with every new set, until… what? Turn 1 lethals are a thing?