The pricing of EVERYTHING in the store is OUTRAGEOUS

I love Hearthstone but enough is enough. I have over $1,500 in purchases to this game and not really a lot to show for it. Wild has become unplayable in a bunch of ways… I can craft a couple decent standard decks but that is all… These other modes they have made ( that you still have to buy into and build a whole other collection for ) do not even make sense to me and I do not enjoy them. You guys are charging $50-$80 to get a decent bundle of cards or a small bundle of gold cards that are still RNG. The disenchant rate has always been awful. Its like buying a full AAA game every time you want add cards and make a deck. Then get this… They find people who have played the game a little and offer them up to 80 free card packs to open the game and play while the people like me who support the game get NOTHING. Its like a drug dealer mentality. I am calling you out Blizzard. You are taking advantage of us. LOWER PRICES ON CARD PACKS, BUNDLES AND ALL OTHER CONTENT. $60 for 2 gold cards and 10 packs? Out of this world… Incredibly greedy it should be half of that at the most. How are normal people suppose to even come close to enjoying all this game can be without the content in it? My friends laugh at me for how much I have to spend to actually enjoy this game and keep up with it… I would encourage everyone to not buy into these over priced bundles until a change is made.

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Well it’s always up to supply and demand. They know they can sell it so why make it cheaper. Altho people like Zeddy and others have pointed out that full price for old packs doensn’t make sense anymore. That’s one the reasons that Wild and Twist are dying.

On the other hand this situation where returning players got 80 free packs is just frustrating. I returned recently and the only thing I got was a free deck. I’m actually thinking about leaving the game for 90 days and then see what kind of reward I get. No 80 packs? Another 90 days offline. I’m really thinking about it. It’s only 3 months until the next expansion. This one sucks really hard. The meta is as boring as it ever could be.

Well when your game is hemorrhaging money daily; you gouge the whales.

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With 1 expansion bundle + Tavern Pass + free packs + Standard packs + packs bought with gold it is enough to get 95% of the cards in an expansion.

So you don’t have to spend an exorbitant amount but it does add up per expansion

If you have spent $1500 on the game and dont have a completely full collection at that point, you;ve done something wrong on your end.

Also the whole point of the long time returning players gifts is no different than all the freebies the consistently daily players get over the same amount of time. You just dont get them all at once so you dont think you get the same value. But all the freebies, the gifted cards, the golden undustables on the reward tracks, the free packs from every weeks tavern brawls, all added up over such a time as 3 rewards tracks worth of time would end up being darn close to a returning player’s gift of like 80 packs.

They dont get all those freebies we did, all the undustables, all the log in and you get this free legendary per expansion we did. Nor all the tavern brawls freebies, etc. So its not really worth getting upset over, as you get a small incremental amount of freebies being a consistent player. They werent and are given a catching up gift to grease the wallets up into possibly not just being a returning player, but a returning customer.

If you have an issue with a company trying to increase its customer base, then you dont want them to succeed in business. So then I wonder why you spent all the money for an incomplete collection then if you wish them not to succeed? I get you can be irked by higher prices on things, thats a universal feeling. But your misplaced jealousy isnt based on anything based on reality, but a perceived inequality but not an actual one.


I’m shocked… the whole world plays using bots that farm night and day, I went into a game library yesterday and found all the stations with hearthstone bots that farm, there must have been at least ten, they told me that those PCs have been farming for 10 years non-stop , and you spend all this money? so we can say that for blizzard you are part of a 1% of cash cows who actually send money for hearthstone paying the rest 99% who use bots the free game :crazy_face:

so instead of playing for 4 months to earn those 90 packs ingame

you are going to stop playing for 6 months for a chance to get the same number of packs ?

Can you break that down because that doesnt sound anywhere close to what I can earn on all the free pack methods… is that spending all your track gold on boosters? is that assuming super high end of month ranks? such as silver or gold?

holy !@#$, dude. Why? Just why?


Then you are responsible for the high prices. As long as you buy, they have no reason to lower them.

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by reaching lv 200 on the tavern pass you get around 10000 gold
add the packs
from the tavern pass +
season rewards
tavern brawls

200?! lol. Best Ive ever gotten is to reach 110ish. maybe 115? That was with the bonus xp boost from the pass that time. 200 is insanity.

Im guessing they give us like 5 packs across the prize track? Possibly 8?

Pass would maybe double that? so 10 at least?

IDK what rewards are for each rank but I just got Silver 10 for last month, i forget what my prizes were for the end of season. I think I got a rare? 2 rares? Cant remember. Not sure if I got any packs or not…

Tavern brawls are a reliable predictable freebie so long as you can irk out a win every week.

…Why did you spend $1,500 on a digital card game?

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Whale alert whale alert

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