Last game using only druid cards i should have gotten something like 47 quest counters (x2 because druid) but something about this clearly doesn’t work the way it is shown in the description.
Hard to say exactly what because we don’t see quest progress until after the games.
went back and watched 3/5 replays, which should have resulted in a total of roughly 195 quest counters, and my current progress is sitting at 148/500
So out of 5 games played, that is over 2 full games worth of summons and spells not counted properly.
If you are going to force these stupid grind quests on us, how about at least making sure they work or that the tool tip says what we are supposed to do to finish them?
No, I played all 5 games in ranked standard, but the number of minions I summoned and spells I cast should have been much more progress than I actually have.
In the example, I counted the “should have been counters” in 3 games and they were greater than the number of counters recorded in my quest log.
I see others say the quest is going faster than expected though. I wonder what gives
Dude it’s a quest for a whole week, even so you can end it in around 15 to 20 games max, I already did it and to be honest the rewards for the event are pretty meh past the second level of rewards wich most players should more or less be at by this point.
Yes for me as well. It actually seemed (or maybe just felt) to go slower when I played Druid.
Just play your normal game. My average progress was about 40 - 50 per game when I didn’t play druid.
I cannot confirm if it tracks correctly, but rather focus on the summon than the druid part. It says summon, not play. So any multiple summons from spells, reborn, etc should help.
Zerg DK hands out reborn like candy and all that reborn triggering counts. That’s why. It’s like every card counts as 2 and some count as 3-6 depending on situation.
Well this sure explains the disparate reactions in this thread:
[Quests] The Dark Nature Event Quest chain quest is backwards–it is giving double credit for cards that are NOT Druid or Dark Gift cards.
Small indie company, apparently.
I mean, I get it. Bugs happen. But this is embarassing. It’s an event quest. It has one job. Did none of you bother testing it, even once, before pushing it out? What kind of software dev lets this hit the live servers?
I don’t mean played, but summoned too. For example zerg dk is very spammy on the summon department (not only because of the zerglings but also the reborning).
It only counts the Druid cards from the last 3 expansions
It’s incredible how this forum went to crap in less than 2 weeks I was away. Suddenly, noone is able to provide a direct, correct answer to the question anymore.