Today’s patch brings some balance changes for Battlegrounds, as well as bug fixes and general game improvements.
Battlegrounds Changes
[Hero] Teron Gorefiend is now banned in mech lobbies
[Anomaly] Cosmic Duality - Aranna and Azshara are removed from the hero pool; Patchwerk is returned to the hero pool (but not in Duos)
[Anomaly] Golden Arena - Well Wisher and Portal in a Crystal are now banned
[Battlegrounds] Mawsworn Soulkeeper (The Jailer’s Buddy) is temporarily removed from the pool
Anomalies Appearance Rate Changes
Note: All Anomalies can be found in our official Card Library here.
Decreased appearance rates
Nguyen’s Shifting Disks
Lay of the Land
Line in the Sand
Pooled Resources
Match Fixing
Packed Stands
Light the Way
Summoning of Champions
Instant Warband
Rising Current
Magic Shop
Path of the Treasure-Seeker
Incubation Mutation
Sin’dorei Mirror
Emergency Landing
Scout’s Honor
Continuing Education
Factory Line
Elven Elite
Increased appearance rates
Eleventh Hour
Audience’s Choice
Bring in the Buddies
Temperance of Aman’Thul
Double Header
Marin’s Treasure Box
Tavern Special
Bug Fixes and Game Improvements
[Battlegrounds - Duos] The turn timer has been reduced.
[Battlegrounds] Jim Raynor is back - “Battlecruiser, operational!”, due to various bug fixes.
[Battlegrounds] Fixed an issue with Sharkbait (Kragg’s Buddy).
[Battlegrounds] Fixed a bug where Maxwell, Mighty Steed (Sir Finley’s Buddy) would give the wrong reward when the Hero didn’t have a Buddy.
[Battlegrounds] Fixed a bug where rerolling a Hero while Secrets of Norgannon was active would result in the new Hero losing the bonus Armor.
[Battlegrounds] Fixed a visual bug where cards granted from Guff Runetotem’s Hero Power didn’t have Golden effects while The Golden Arena Anomaly was active.
[Battlegrounds] Fixed a bug where Reckless Cliffdiver didn’t work with Xyrella