The new Jaina legendary skin looks amazing

This one looks like the best legenary skin sofar really cool design and lines.

Theres a new sherif in town :slight_smile:


Eh. I think the c’thun Druid has the best attack animation and general board. I also am disappointed it is themed with the expac and not something unique on its own.

Just kids buy skin from a class that occupies the last place in the current rank. Not to mention the TRASH cards that came to the class from this new miniset. Come on kid, buy something your dad pays for!!

I like the class, it’s my favorite but today it’s rubbish!! Go buy something your dad pays for!

The Legendary Jaina skin super cute, yeah, but the Archmage Jaina skin remains my favorite Mage option, at least for now. Not gonna bash you for loving the Legendary skin, though, it really IS super nice.

The Crimson Sally skin for Priest that’s available right now is freaking spectacular. My personal favorite of the ones that came out yesterday.